[21:] snail mail and the tragedy of time.

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She got the first one right after breakfast on a random Thursday morning. She was walking out of her kitchen with a plate when she was startled by a knock on the door.

"Jesus, fuck," she cursed under her breath and set her plate down on the counter.

What asshole is knocking at her door at - she cast a quick glance at the clock - eight in the morning? She opened the door to find...

"Steve? W-... What are you doing here?"

"Hi," he breathed, clearly a bit uncomfortable. "I hope I didn't disturb you. I'm sorry for showing up unexpectedly, but it is nice to see you. I have something for you."

"Uh..." her face contorted in utter confusion at the entire situation. "You have something for me?"

Out of his back pocket, he pulled out an envelope. She raised a brow.


Slowly, and still very confused, she reached out and took the envelope from him.

"What is this?"

"It's-just... I don't even know what it says, but it's for you. To open. And read."

No offense Steve, but what the fuck?

"Right..." she trailed off at his awkwardness.

But then her brain shifted gears.

"How is he?"


Right away, Steve understood. "He's alright. He's getting on fine, helping around and doing work."

"Good..." She nodded, staring blankly at the doorframe, "... that's good."

Steve shifted his weight from one foot to another.

"He misses you, ya know?"

Her head snapped back to him. "He does?"

"Lots. And he talks about you all the time."

She fidgeted with the envelope in her hand, turning it over in between her fingers. She tried not to let the acid guilt rise up in her throat. She couldn't tell if she was getting nauseous or if it was just the shame.

delicate; b.barnesWhere stories live. Discover now