[26:] old habits die hard.

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A day or two had passed and she stared down at her phone, looking at the name on the screen.

James Buchanan.

He had a good sounding name; she liked it.

She went back and forth in her head debating on whether or not she should actually contact him, but in some way she knew that she had already made up her mind.

He was right about one thing: he was handsome. Try as she might, she could not ignore that part.

What did stick out though, was how easy he was to talk to. She didn't like small talk, but for some reason, with him, the small talk graduated into real talk very quickly. For some reason, with him, she felt comfortable. Like she wanted to talk to him and then keep talking and talking and talking.

She sighed, giving in.

"Did you find out anything? What do you know?" Bucky asked, pacing around his hotel room once again.

Sam sat on the couch, observing Bucky's neuroticism.

"Not much, man. I'm sorry."

"What do you mean 'not much?' Who did you ask? What did you ask about?"

"Okay well, anything to do with memory, brain reconstruction, whatever - would be related to the Winter Soldier program, right?"

"Right." He was hanging on to every word.

"And that program was ran by Hydra, and a long time ago at that. There's not really any digital information we can get our hands on. And there's are not many people alive that know a lot about it. Honestly, the best person to ask about it is probably you."

"What do you mean?"

"As screwed up as it is, you might be one of the only people we have access to that knows anything useful. If there's something to figure out, you might already know something about it."

"Well that's not very helpful."

"Maybe you can talk to her, too. She might remember something about the... experience?"

Bucky just resumed his pacing. How in the world was he supposed to ask her about that without sending her into a (justified) panic? He was lucky enough to spend some time with her the other day, but he had no idea where his boundaries lay now.

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