#129 You Leave When You Are Pregnant (Louis)

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Requested by OneDirectionGirl765

Y/N?' Harry's surprised voice surprised you too when you picked up the phone. Did he get a new number? Your phone didn't show it was him. Otherwise you wouldn't have picked up. 'Harry?' You asked back. And you heard him sigh on the other side of the line. 'Y/N...' He breathed out, sounding relieved. You didn't know what to expect from the call. He was definitely going to try something. That was for sure. 'Come back... Please.' He begged. He literally begged you to come back. 'Louis is not fine. He's far from fine. He can't cope. He's a mess. You can't do this to him.' You felt the lump in your throat sting. You were definitely not able to handle this. You were not ready. 'Harry... I have to go.' You whispered, ready to hang up. 'No! No... Come on. NO!' He panicked, yelling into your ear. 'Y/N. Listen to me. You didn't even gave him a chance. You cannot do that.' You sure as hell heard the anger in his voice. And you didn't take that well. 'Harry, this is really none of your business. You-...'. 'THIS IS MY BUSINESS!' He yelled again. Okay, you really needed to hang up. This was not working. 'Louis is my brother, my mate, one of my best friends. He's... he is... Just not doing well. Please. See him. Meet him. Let him change your mind.' He was begging again. You never heard Harry beg before. It kind of made you think about the whole situation. 'Nothing is going to change my mind.' You spoke again. But it didn't help. 'If nothing's going to change your mind, you definitely can listen to his words, I think.' He tried to convince you. You looked down and stroke your hand against your 4 month old belly. 'I don't over exaggerate if I say he's not doing well, Y/N... Just so you know.' Harry added, softly and almost sad. You closed your eyes and sighed when you said the word that would change everything. 'Okay...'

That conversation was four days ago. And now you stood by the front door of Louis' apartment. And Harry was the one letting you in. 'Louis is not home yet.' He started, leading you to the couch like you hadn't lived here for two years. 'Just wait here. He'll be home soon. I figure ten minutes or so.' He was already putting on his coat, ready to leave. 'Harry. Don't tell me he doesn't know about this?' You stood up again, getting mad. 'No. No. No!' Harry pushed you down on the sofa again. 'I didn't tell him. But stay. Please. Stay.' He was so stressed out. So you didn't try to stand up and leave. You kind of felt bad for him. 'Give him a chance. Okay?' Harry gave you a sad smile, before he kissed your cheek goodbye. And this kind of made you miss this. You knew you missed it. But this made it more accurate. You nodded at him, just before he left the apartment, leaving you alone in the place you knew so well but it seemed like another lifetime.

Your heart started racing when you heard the lock turn. When the door opened you stood up, facing Louis. He didn't see you right away. But you took a moment to take in his looks. You almost didn't recognize him. He lost weight. For sure. His cheekbones where even more noticeable than they already were. His beard was longer than usual and the bags under his eyes where so visible, you almost got the idea he hadn't slept at all. But it was the moment his hollow eyes met yours, that surprised you the most. And you felt like you could cry. Because you couldn't see the man you fell in love with. You couldn't see Louis. You couldn't see him through the depressed figure looking at you. Harry was right. He was not doing well. You both stood there for a while. Just staring. Not one emotion readable off Louis' face. The moment the tension broke was when you saw Louis' eyes flashing to your belly and back. Nobody said anything for at least a minute. Until suddenly Louis raspy voice sounded in the room. He had doubted on what he would say. You saw it in his eyes. But when he said the words, it was everything you did not expect. 'Don't... Don't do this.' He stammered. Like he was trying his hardest not to break. 'Don't. Just don't.' He walked over to his open kitchen and you flinched when he grabbed all the pots, standing on the kitchen tile and slammed them on the floor. 'YOU DIDN'T LEAVE ME A CHOICE!' He yelled and it was so heart breaking to see him like this. You stood there, frozen to the ground. Not daring to move. 'YOU JUST LEFT ME. WITH A FUCKING STUPID MEANINGLESS NOTE!' He was raging. He moved to one of his bookstands and just threw out books to keep controlling his anger. 'YOU DON'T GET TO CHOOSE THESE THINGS FOR ME! I THINK I AM GROWN UP ENOUGH TO CHOOSE IF I WANT TO BE A FATHER FOR THAT CHILD OR NOT!' And he pointed to your belly, his finger trembling. 'WHY?!' He cried out. 'Why did you leave me? WHY?! Why didn't you gave me a CHOICE? Why didn't you TALK to me about it?' His voices constantly changed from yelling to normal and back. But you noticed him not coming near you between less than three meters. Like he was afraid he might do something stupid. And you were okay with that. Because he did look scary. 'I want to know why, Y/N. Answer me. And tell me why.' He commanded you, trying to stop the yelling. And you nodded. Searching for the words you would say, you stared into his eyes. 'You are in One Direction. You are doing amazingly. You and the boys.' You stopped when he held his finger to you that told you to stop talking. 'No. Please don't tell me you did this so I could have my carrier...' He tried to breathe calmly, but it definitely was not working. 'Louis... You always said you weren't ready yet and I just thought.'. 'THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED HERE!' He started yelling again and you were so not used to him doing that. It only made you realize how deep he actually fell. 'YOU THOUGHT FOR ME. YOU DIDN'T GIVE ME THE CHANCE TO THINK FOR MYSELF AND I THINK I REALLY DESERVE THAT IN THIS KIND OF MATTER.' He was breaking. He really was. So you hid your fears. You shook them away. And you stepped forward, to him. And he first flinched when you touched him. But when you wrapped your arms around his chest, you felt him relax. You felt him breathe. You felt him shake. You felt all the anger fading away. 'I'm sorry...' You whispered. 'I am so sorry. I should've given you the choice. And I made it for you because I thought that was what you wanted. I didn't want to make it hard for you. But turns out, I made it even worse.' You felt the tears sting in your eyes while you felt his arms wrap around you as well, and holding you so tightly you thought he was never letting you go again. 'You pushed me away for two months.' He breathed into your hair. 'Don't push me away ever again, because I am not going to be happy with you Y/N Y/L/N.  You are my girl. And this is my baby. And I want to be able to take care of the both of you.' And you longed for those words for so long. But you just never imagined him saying them to you. But he would've if you let him in from the moment you found  out. You didn't do that. And you regretted it. 'How's the baby?' Louis' voice woke you up out of your thoughts and you faced him again. 'Is everything okay?' He added, looking into your eyes for confirmation. And you nodded at him. 'Everything is fine  now. Yes.' You smiled softly. And his eyes smiled back. Something you missed so much. But you realized it was also something you would never miss again when he kissed your lips and said the words that made your heart whole again. 'Welcome home...'.

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