Chapter 3: Pillow Talk

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"Hey," Aliyah whispered.

"Hi," Sylvia whispered back.

They were both tucked in under the bed spread, the covers pulled up to their chin. The pair faced one another, their breaths mingling in the cold night air as mist.

It had been an hour or so since the group had gone to bed, yet Aliyah and Sylvia were still awake.

"Are you thinking about your brother?" Aliyah asked. Sylvia winced at the question, a familiar sting in her heart. She had spent so long believing her brother to be dead. She had mourned his passing with her parents, grieved for them all. Yet, what the reality was was much more grim.

Anthony was a vampire. That fateful night when the vampires attacked her family home, they had turned him. When the two had met last, he was different. Unstrung, unemotional, different. He was not the cool, calm and collected Anthony she remembered.

Yet Sylvia still clung onto hope that he could be changed back. He had shown her an inkling of his former self, he had saved Sylvia from the Vampire Hoard leader, Ava.

During their time at Dirella's, Sylvia had burried herself into Dirella's library, searching for any information she could. Despite the wizard knowing more than Sylvia, there was still no information there regarding vampires and turning them back into humans. Sylvia would not quit, however. She still had hope. She had to.

"Someone in Ammertia has to know," Sylvia declared boldly. Despite the room being pitch black, Sylvia could still see Aliyah's face. They wore an expression of concern, and doubt.

"Sylvia, I may not know much of the outside world, but I do know that vampire transformation is permanent. Just like so many other forms of transformation, you have told me so yourself," Aliyah whispered softly. They extended their fingers towards Sylvia's, gently edging closer through the bed sheets.

"We haven't really looked into this kind of thing, turning them back. Hunters have been trained only to kill, never to save," Sylvia sighed, softly grasping Aliyah's hand. She gave their hand a gentle squeeze, reassuring that everything was ok. She had come to terms with the situation, but was not ready to give up yet.

"Maybe your father would know something? He's been around a long time," Sylvia asked, hopeful. Aliyah shook their head, and a painful expression flashed across their face for a moment.

"My father does not trust the other races. He used to, in fact he tells tales of how the races united against an evil enemy. Yet, something went wrong. Something happened that caused him to completely retract from the world, and abandon the other races," Aliyah said.

The subject at hand was not the only reason they felt slightly upset at the mention of King Absalom. Aliyah was now a proud nonbinary individual. They had come out to Aliyah and Darian whilst imprisoned by the vampires. Yet, how would their father react?

Aliyah was in line for the throne, in line to be King. But how can a nonbinary individual be a King? And would their father approve of their gender identity?

Sylvia brought Aliyah's attention back to the present by gently squeezing their hand once more. They looked up, Aliyah's green eyes meeting Sylvia's brown ones. Aliyah smiled sweetly.

"Am I still your prisoner?" Sylvia joked. Aliyah chuckled lightly.

"Always," they said with a wink, a sly smile playing on the edges of their lips. Aliyah went to lean in closer to Sylvia, lips parting ever so slightly. Their eyes darted from Sylvia's lips, to her eyes, their gaze intense and heavy. It seemed like time slowed to a stop.

Before Sylvia rushed in to meet them half way. She pressed her lips against theirs, soft at first, but soon adding a little more pressure. Sylvia reached up towards Aliyah's hair, intertwining her fingers in the soft, brown locks. Occasionally she would feel a petal of the pink roses that littered Aliyah's hair, and smile through the kiss.

Aliyah returned her embrace, wrapping their hands around her waist and pulling her closer, deepening the kiss. Aliyah made sure their branch appendage didn't prick her, they remembered what happened last time they had done that.

They broke apart, ending the kiss as suddenly as it had started. Their eyes were wide with excitement and adrenaline, chests heaving as they tried to catch their breath.

"I can't help but be breathless around you," Sylvia whispered, tucking her head under Aliyah's chin. Aliyah embraced her, puller her close to their body.

"I feel exactly the same way," they smiled in return. It was a warm embrace, two bodies melding to one. Like two puzzle pieces fitting perfectly together, not wanting to leave any air pockets between their bodies.

The night no longer felt cold.

"Will you two shut it?" Darian called out from the other side of the room. The dividing wall had done nothing to quiet the intimate conversation between the pair, with Dirella and Darian becoming unwilling bystanders.

"Sorry!" Sylvia called back, giggling furiously. Aliyah couldn't help but giggle also.

"Like, I'm happy for you guys, I support you guys, but I just wanna sleep!" Darian groaned, before rolling back over and falling asleep.

I'm not the best at writing romance, so I hope I did ok! Hope you guys enjoyed, see you next chapter

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I'm not the best at writing romance, so I hope I did ok! Hope you guys enjoyed, see you next chapter.

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