Chapter 29

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The morning of October 30th brought out an excitement within the students that Castor had only ever associated with her first time seeing Hogwarts

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The morning of October 30th brought out an excitement within the students that Castor had only ever associated with her first time seeing Hogwarts. The sight of the ancient stone walls and courtyard lanterns from her boat gliding over the Black Lake had filled her with a sense of wonder and the adventurous thirst to learn all of its secrets. (She still thought Ilvermorny was slightly more impressive, but maybe she's being a big biased.)

Professor Dumbledore had announced that classes would be 30 minutes shorter, to accommodate for the arrival of their guests. The students of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang were set to arrive at the castle in the late afternoon, giving everyone plenty of time to settle in and prepare for the evening's feast. And sure enough as everyone gathered into the main courtyard, the carriages of Beauxbatons appeared in the sky. Pulled by large, winged horses called Abraxans, the flying carriages landed, the doors opened, and out stepped what was probably the tallest and most magnificently dressed woman that Castor had ever seen. She towered above her students, boys and girls dressed in soft blue silk uniforms and lead them inside the corridors of the castle.

Someone called attention to the Black Lake then. Every student's attention turned to the dark water, the surface beginning to ripple. There was a tall mast, and then another, and then another, and then Castor had to wait until the waves had calmed enough for the water to reveal a fleet of very large, ornate ships, with golden details, long flying flags, and the crest of Durmstrang Academy displayed on every main sail.

They were ushered back into their own castle now, and very strictly told to dress in their uniforms, and with very pointed looks to the Jones twins from Professor McGonagall, to sit at their individual house tables. There would be no shouting, no pranks of any kind, no switching seats...anything at all that could possibly embarrass their school, Professor McGonagall would have absolutely none of it.

So, there she sat at the end of the Ravenclaw table, nearest the Professor's table at the front of the Great Hall, Eliza seated across from her. Behind them were the Hufflepuffs, who had always been mostly calm, but even they were buzzing with the excitement of the evening. The Gryffindors were after them. The Weasley twins along with Lee Jordan sat across from the Golden Trio, next to Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, and Ginny. The Slytherin table was last, and for once, neither houses were arguing with being seated so close to each other. Pollux was seated towards the front of his table as well. His wild curls, not so wild. It seemed he decided to tame them today as well, as she had braided her own hair again in order to look more "presentable" for their guests.

"Now, settle down!" Professor Dumbledore stood, and while it took longer than was necessary, one stern glare over the room from Professor McGonagall shut them up quite quickly. "Please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, and their Headmistress Madame Maxine."

The door to the Great Hall opened, revealing several neatly organized groups of boy and girls. Their blue silk uniforms shimmered in the candlelight of the Great Hall, and the dance began. They seemed to glide across the room, and their beauty was admired by all. The girls began to do a sort of dance, releasing butterflies and sighing gracefully as they made their grand entrance. Castor caught sight of Fred at the Gryffindor table, who like many others, seemed to be in a hypnotic trance as he watched the French beauties. She pushed down the envious feeling in her chest, turning back to the pretty women.

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