Chapter 14: It has to be worse than this

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It's pitch black outside with the stars twinkling in the sky which would usually mesmerize me enough to have me distracted till I slept, but not this time. I've specifically woken up in the night as there's been nothing to do but sleep. Absolutely nothing but now I can't sleep because he's in here with me.

"I'm curious. After all I've done with you, you stay at that broken, little house? Am I not enough?" Of course. He just had to take off his mask, didn't he? "Uncle, I promise I didn't intentionally stay there. That palisman took me there without my control. A guard grabbed me and I was gonna go with them but the bird took me away. And when I was at that house, they kept me in and wouldn't let me go. Kept on asking way too many questions too." Is my explanation and hopefully he'll understand. I couldn't do anything! Right now I try to sound calm but really I'm incredibly anxious. My expression probably shows that.

His eyebrow raises at hearing the last of my explanation however. "Really? What kind of questions?" "Well.. about my scars. How you treat me- but I didn't tell them anything." Still trying to act calm but that's a false mask I'm wearing. Then he steps closer to me.. closer and closer till he sits right next to me on my bed. "Whatever they said about me isn't true. You know that, right?" I just nod at him silently. 

"Your scars are a reminder. I only do this out of love. I know, I know. It may seem cruel at times but everyone needs discipline." "I know. I know you just want what's best for me." But why do I feel sadder than ever. It's not like I could ever have a life outside the castle.

"But I have a question. And if you're angry with me for speaking out of term, I understand." His brow raises yet again. "I know it's going to be worse than this. A grounding can't be it. So whatever you're gonna do, please just do it already. Am I at least going to starve? I have to know my punishment." My eyes shut tightly. I don't want to know what his expression is towards what I'm saying, but the curiosity is killing me.

"Well look around the room. Where's your helmet?" He's right. Looking around the room, there's no helmet in sight. "And the cape and staff are gone too." He's... Right. What's he getting at? Must've took them away while I slept. "And that's your punishment, you see. You'll have to earn those things back. From now on until you finally earn my trust again, you can't go on missions for a while. How do I know you won't use that staff on me again?" He's right. How can he trust me?

"If I'm not given a job to do, how can I get your trust back?" My eyes glue themselves to my knees in mixed emotions associated with negativity. "Just stay loyal. Do as your told. You can go outside but you can't leave the grounds of the castle or I'll might have to give you a new scar. Since you'll have to show me even more loyalty, look at me when I talk to you." That last part sounds ominous by the tone as he's saying it. It feels painful to look him in the eye, but I do as told and see that kind smile. I don't know whether to find it comforting or uncomforting.

"Now good night, Hunter." And with that, he leaves the room, locking the door. Is this a trick? This seems so... Soft. And being cooped up in the castle for who knows how long might drive me a little stir crazy. 

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