chapter fourteen~ what makes you mine

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(Colin pov)
Me and y/n stayed at the park for hours, but the thought of asking her questions was constantly pushed around to the back of my mind. I didn't want to bother her, yet I did want to know what's been happening while I lie half dead in the hospital.

"So, lana adopted you?" I said trying to act casule. She nodded and smiled, not really paying much attention to me. I wasnt sure why things were so awkward between us, but I knew I had to fix it.

"Want to play a game?" I asked her. She mumbled a yes but kept glaring at the ground, making me feel more alone than I should have. "Its called Floor is lava, but with a twist, you csnt touch the ground, and have to run over the climbing frame, while I, who can touch the lava, chases you. If I touch even your foot you loose"

Before I knew it she ran, climbing up tie ladder and onto the play castle. "Oh I see" I laughed running under her, yet she continued to climb higher and higher, laughing.

When I caught a glimpse of her smile, it made me smile. She was such a beautiful child. "You cant get me!" She yelled jumping over to the monkey bars and swinging. I slid under one of the obstacles and reached where she was.

When I thought I was about to touch her foot, y/n pulled them up and climbed like a monkey, giggling non stop as she reached the end. "You cant stay up there forever" I said.

"Watch me" y/n spat, resting her head on the bars. "Ok then, I'll just have to wait down here, unless... unless I get tired and fall asleep. Then maybe you could run the other way" I whispered with a wink, before pretending to fall asleep.

When my eyes opened she was off the bars and sat at the top of the slide. "Come on I dare you" i said. She pushed herself down and came flying into my arms. We fell into a giggling mess. "Caught you" I said before tikling her.

When she squirmed around her shirt came up on the back, and I saw large scars. They made my heart skip a beat, what exactly had this child gone through. "What's wrong?" Y/n asked me. "Nothing, want to go on the swings" I asked her. She nodded, this time looking directly into my eyes.

We rushed over to the swings and both got one each, before swinging as high and as fast as we could. That's when I spotted a crowd near the far distance of the park, holding cameras. "Y/n, I think we should go. Lana told me you dont like the paparazzi" I said pointing to them.

Y/n freaked when she saw them, her hands shook like crazy. So I grabbed her arm and began to lead her away. "Theres a cafe, over there!" She said, and sure enough there was. We rushed into it to take cover, hoping that no one would follow us inside.

The cafe was small but cosy. We took a seat near the back. "Are you hungry?" I asked her. She nodded licking her lips. I laughed before getting up and walking over to the counter to get some food.

(No ones Povs)
Y/n got fidgety after Colin left, and began to bite her fingernails, something she rarely ever did. This was until a woman walked over, holding a red note book in her hand.

The stranger sat down opposite her and took of her sunglasses. She had dark black hair and green hazel eyes, her teeth looked whitend and her nails were so obviously fake. Y/n looked at her scared and confused. "What's your name love?" The woman asked.

Y/n looked for colin, but he was busy talking to people. She wanted to yell out but didnt have the guts to do it. This whole situation made her nervous. "What is a girl like you doing with a man like Odonahue?" She then asked bluntly.

"Like me, what's that supposed to mean?" She asked. "Oh come on, we all know your just using them, pretending to be a poor helpless girl to get to your idols" the black haired woman spat with a laugh. Y/n then punched the woman in the eye, making her yell.

Colin sprinted over and saw the situation. "What are you doing!" He yelled. "Colin I'm sorry" y/n stuttered. "I'm not talking to you" he said then looked over to the woman. "What the hell are you doing?"

The woman blushed with embarrassment, but also laughed angrily. "That child is out of control, I dont know what your doing dragging it around" she said before rushing out the door. "Fuck you" colin yelled his hands in a fist.

(Colin pov)
I sat down opposite the girl. "Are you alright, what happened, what did she say?" I asked her. Y/n just smiled. "Fuck her" she said laughing. I was surprised by how well she was taking it. "Hey, don't say that language around your mother ok" i sighed before we a actually got to eat our food.

After that was done, we walked our the park and I drive her home. Little did she know there was a surprise waiting for her. "So, I heard today was the day your mother passed" I said. She sunk back into her chair. "Yeah, I used to love this day, because i spend it celebrating her, but I csnt really do that anymore" she admitted.

"So, you used to have parties and stuff?" I asked her. "Me and my dad would stay up all night playing just dance" y/n said. I chuffed before pulling into the car park near the apartment building.

"Colin?" She said looking up to me. I smiled. "Can you not tell Lana about what happened at the park, especially what i did"

"You know, all I remember is having fun on the climbing frame, nothing else happened" I said before taking her hand as we walked into the building. I then got a text from the others saying they were ready. Thos was going to be one fun night.

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