Chapter thirteen

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Jaylen POV-

Lovely tilted his head as he continued to look down at me. He was trying to figure something out. "You look tired but you're not closing your eyes. Do you not want to sleep?"

I shrugged my shoulders the best I could while laying down on my stomach. Bailey sighed heavily as he continued to play in my hair.

"Are you okay?"

I shrugged my shoulders again. I had almost fell asleep but when I closed my eyes for too long I saw her laying on the floor lifeless. Lovely starred down at me for a little longer. He slightly moved my hair from my eyes and narrowed his own.

"Are you sick, Jaylen?"

He then proceeded to feel my forehead like dad would do when he thought I was sick. "You seem to feel normal,'re not acting normal,"

"Jaylen are you okay? Did I do something?" He tried again.

"I'm fine, Lovely. You didn't do anything."

He didn't seem satisfied. Lovely pulled away from me sitting up from his half laying down position, I followed his actions and sat up too. Bailey looked around the room as I starred at him waiting for him to ask another question.

"Did you eat?"

I nodded my head, I left out the fact that I ate earlier and nowhere near enough. Bailey only huffed. He seemed to not believe me.

"Do your dads know I'm here?"

I nodded my head.

"Where's Messiah?"

I bit my lip wondering if I should tell him where he actually was. I just shrugged my shoulders again and he looked at me skeptically. He was about to ask another question but I interrupted him.

"Bailey, no."

Lovely twisted his lips to keep himself from asking more questions. "You just look tired and drained, Jaylen. I'm just trying to see if you're okay."

"I'm fine."

"But you called me 'Bailey'."

I shrugged my shoulders again. "It's your name." He bit his lip nodding his head mumbling an 'okay'. I went to lay back down, pulling Lovely down with me. We laid in silence as Bailey still played with my hair. I heard the door bell ring and Bailey looked over at me.

I wasn't going to get the door.

I heard my dad run down the steps and open the door. I then heard multiple voices in the house. I can't tell who it is, I'm sure I wasn't supposed to hear anyways because they seemed to be whispering. I didn't really feel like seeing people anyways so I decide to stay in my room.

That's until my dad yelled up the stairs and told me to come down.

"I'll stay here." Lovely turned on his side. I tugged his arm a bit pulling him up. "What?"

"Come down with me."

Lovely smiled a bit and shook his head. "I don't want to be in the way. It seemed like something important."

"You won't be in the way, come on." I grabbed his hand firmly as I walked him down the stairs. He was mumbling something but I didn't really pay attention to what he was saying.

I haven't been paying attention to a lot of things lately. I walked down the last step which Lovely tripped on. He yelped as he lost his footing. I caught him by his hips just before he could fall completely. He let out a nervous laugh giving me a thumbs up. I shook my head at his cuteness.

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