56. never felt this way for no one

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"and i know we weren't perfect but i've never felt this way for no one," nini sang as she closed her eyes tightly and held onto her headphones "and i just can't imagine how you could be so okay, now that i'm gone

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"and i know we weren't perfect but i've never felt this way for no one," nini sang as she closed her eyes tightly and held onto her headphones "and i just can't imagine how you could be so okay, now that i'm gone. oh and i don't believe you when you said i did nothing wrong,"

she stopped with a small sigh, biting her lip as the music kept playing

the producer stopped the music, looking over through the glass into the recording booth as jenn pressed the mic button

"everything okay nini?"

the brunette girl nodded "i just-i feel like the lyrics aren't quite there yet..."

"need a break?" the producer, dan asked

nini took a deep breath and nodded "yeah, thanks."

the two adults leave the brunette in the recording booth as she thought to herself, scribbling out and replacing words for the song to worms

she looked up when seeing jenn walk in with nini's phone in her hands, handing it to her

"ricky's calling you,"

nini smiled shyly as she thanked the woman and took the device from her, bringing it to her ear

"what did you burn this time?" she sighed

she heard ricky scoff in the other end and let out a light laugh

"i was actually calling to ask what time you finish so we could maybe go out for dinner." he said

nini opened her mouth as she frowned "oh..."

"oh? what oh-?" he asked suddenly worried "are you okay?"

"no-i'm fine," she assured him quickly "i just-i'm actually meeting up with ej tonight."

"okay..." he replied cautiously "anything i should know about?" he joked

nini grinned "oh no, don't worry, we've been keeping our affair well hidden from the world."

she stifled a laugh and could hear ricky's slight tense anger rise

"i'm kidding!" she exclaimed, giggling, hearing him sigh "but he did seem a little off, i don't know. he said he wanted to talk to me about something."

"hm, wonder what that's about," ricky wondered

"beats me," she replied before looking over to see jenn and dan gesturing for her to get ready to continue "listen, i've gotta go but i'd love to reschedule that dinner." she said with a small smirk

"like tomorrow night?" he asked hopeful "anywhere in town and then we can go for a walk together..."

nini smiled brightly and nodded "that sounds perfect."

"alright, i'll see you later." he said "i love you."

"i love you too." she replied before soon hanging up and exhaling deeply, turning her phone off and putting it down before she put a thumb up for dan and jenn to understand what she meant

nini adjusted her headphones as she heard the music start playing again before she took a deep breath to continue.

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