Part 65 - The chosen ones

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* Dumbledore's POV *
After the attack I knew who had done it, it just had to have been them, they were too alike for it to be a coincidence. They also knew how to cover their tracks well and it would be the holidays soon which wasn't good, I can't keep an eye on them there unless I can convince the convict and his pet to spy on them over the holidays. It would be hard to convince them though with James here, I could separate the two I suppose. Meanwhile I had the 2 sets of twins to deal with seriously how hard was it to break up one group,  they fail at the easiest of tasks. I have to come up with a new plan and I think I have just the thing to form one. As I was thinking or plotting if you will the doors to my office opened as 2 sets of twins walked in, perfect.

I gestured for them to take a seat, they of course did so. "Anyone care to explain what happened?",I drawled out whilst staring at the group with a blank face. They were easy to read, panic, fear and worry clear as day. "We tried to split them up, they didn't speak to each other for a day but then-", Mason began as Madison slapped a hand over his mouth. I raised an eyebrow "What happened!", I demanded making more than one of them flinch back. "We tortured the no good snakes without Hadrian or Tom but then one of them noticed and was pissed. They freed the snakes and we didn't see them again until you were with us", they all lowered their gaze from me. I thought about what I could do from here and decided how I could get rid of them and possible my problem, although it was unlikely.

"You did that too soon they didn't have time to really hate the others and get to know you so they went back to who they knew more about. It does not matter at this time, we have bigger things to worry about", I stated placing on the grandfather act once again. The group was all ears and were all to easy to manipulate, they all wanted to prove they were the best and didn't see the clear trap so there was no need to convince them to do whatever I asked of them. "Lilian, Albus", I began in a grave tone of voice "You both know what happened to make you 2 the chosen ones", they nodded along on the edge of their chairs. "Well now it's time for you to help the wizarding world, you are the only ones capable of beating Chaos and Lord Voldemort", for a second they just stared at me but then they celebrated and bragged as usual. Perfect. As if it wasn't easy enough to manipulate these two, I'm just glad they take after James. If they took after Lily they would be more calculating and would question my every move and well you see how that went with Hadrian.

"And for this reason Mason and Madison are going to help you, I want you guys to trust each other and fight together. You can even create your own team, just like the order, just make sure to fill it with people that you trust with your life", they all nodded along, glad that they weren't in trouble. Once they left the office I called in the convict and his pet to talk about the plans for the holidays. I assumed they were useless when they cut ties with James however I needed them to watch Hadrian and Tom closely to report anything suspicious without making them realise I needed to spy on their god son. "Welcome my boys sit, sit", I ushered them to sit down and they did as I took a seat on my desk chair.

"What did you wish to talk about Albus?", Sirius asked, I just smiled. "I just wanted to check in on how you were settling into the new teaching roles, I assume the arrangement for the full moon is working correct?", they nodded and talked about how great it worked for them so that the Wolf could rest before going back whilst Black taught, I wasn't really paying attention but nodded as if I was. "That's great I'm glad", I deadpanned trying to stop them from talking so that I could change the topic of conversation easier.

"So how's Hadrian doing? We do worry about him sometimes", I began they looked at each other unsure as to what I meant "Well he is brother to the chosen ones, we worry he could be targeted", the narrowed their eyes slightly. "Well you don't have to worry we can protect him", Sirius stated. I nodded with a smile "oh I know I don't doubt the both of you and your fighting skills that's why you're part of the order. However we still have to worry, you cannot be with him all day to protect him". They shook their heads slightly and laughed "don't worry he's always with Tom who can protect him just fine, also you can't discredit his skills. Trust me Albus he's okay with us no need to worry", Remus added .

I clenched my jaw slightly and made my features look more worried if possible "But don't you think he could be the problem? He is after all a Dark Wizard, how do you know he won't sell Hadrian out or any of his friends for that matter. Or creating this whole fake relationship just to get close to the boy?", this time Sirius stood up with Remus following and holding his arm for support. "Thank you for your concern Albus but trust me when I say that our boys love each other and their 'friends' are more like family. Believe me when I say that they would all rather be tortured for eternity than betray each other, so he's safe", they began to exit he room so I called out to them in a last attempt to convince them. "Just make sure you give him some extra attention okay? We're just worried", they gave a quick, although slightly reluctant, nod and left the room. "God he's just like him", Albus whispered under his breath as he sighed mumbling the very words he hated to hear "I'd rather die then betray my friends, pathetic".

* Hadrian's POV *
After we left the leader in charge we all apperated back into the common room, bypassing the wards once again. Once we arrived, we were then met with Remus and Sirius who were obviously waiting for us "what happened?", I asked as Tom's arms snaked around my waist. "Dumbledore called us into his office, he suspects you guys of something and he wanted us to keep an eye on you over the holidays", Remus explained. "I would think that the old goat is scared that he has been outsmarted after all these years, he also doesn't trust you Tom. He said specifically that you or one of your friends would sell out Hadrian and that you couldn't protect him", Sirius smirked and I rolled my eyes at Tom's growl. "Tommy he's trying to get you mad because he wants a partner to go mess with Dumbledore", Tom huffed into my ear as he rested his head on my shoulder and Sirius pouted "you ruined what could have been a great thing", he procided to wipe a fake tear and flop onto the sofas. I just laughed and pulled Tommy into a love seat so we could cuddle. We all relaxed for the rest of the day and talked about the upcoming Christmas holidays and what we were going to do.

The next morning we got ready as usual and went into the great Hall. I had completely forgotten about the fact we had faked a fight and many were shocked to say the least as we walked into the hall holding hands and laughing as usual. Thankfully most minded their own business but as we passed the Hufflepuff table I was reminded of someone I had ignored for a while. "Back with the inferior vampire, Gorgeous? Why be with him when you can have me! The perfect vampire specimen", he attempted to smoulder and I burst out laughing as Tom chuckled in my ear "would you rather have him kitten?", his low voice whispered as he gently bit my ear, I suppressed a shudder and answered. "Definitely not", I smirked, Tom pulled me into a kiss as I heard Bella squeak and yell "Ha Diggory, back off and go make lovey dovey eyes at your Gryfindoor hoe", before skipping over to the table, dragging a smirking Barty behind her.

Cedric rolled his eyes and still tried to talk to me which was met by Tom picking me up, throwing me over his shoulder and carrying me to the Slytherin table as Luna stomped on his feet. Most of the other houses were laughing as Cedric fell back onto the bench and it was safe to say it was an embarrassing sight. We all ate breakfast and began to walk to Transfiguration together.

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