Bad Timings And Just Too Many Things To Take Care Of

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"Hey hyung~"

Yoongi's eyebrow twitched.

"And what the fuck are you two doing here?"

Taehyung pouted and fluttered his eyelashes. Jungkook just hid behind him, eyes wide and shining as he eyed his hyung. Yoongi could tell he was grinning.

"Hyuuuung! You promised you would cook dinner for us!"

"I never said that."

"You did not have to say it," the omega crooned, as he ran a teasing finger from the elder's shoulder and down to his chest, poking it later, "Your heart already did. You love us."

It was as if it was some worldwide known fact. It made his lips twitch.

"I do not. Now leave."


Yoongi was about to close the door when-


A hand came into view and just... stopped. The door.

Yoongi 's face twisted at that, the young alpha showing off his strength as he held the door open from closing, with his goddamn smile. Plus, he had his height and used it as an advantage, aiming higher. Yoongi would stop him easily, but he was too lazy to reach that high to wrench the young alpha's hand away.

But still, he stayed shocked at the blatant show of strength and disrespect-

"Either you get your hands off... or I'm banning you from my house forever."

He said it with such authority that Jungkook hesitated then, but Taehyung stepped in before anything could happen.

"Oh come on hyung! One night? Pwease? We even bought the ingwedients!"

The alpha pinched the bridge of his nose, really not in the mood to deal with such shit.

"If I let you both in for dinner, will you guys promise to be quiet and do your own thing while I nap?"

"Oh- oh hyung... did not sleep well?"

There was real concern in their eyes now, and Yoongi let himself slump forward in exhaustion. It was not that bad, but his nap was disturbed by these two young ones, he was pretty much half-asleep standing there.

He let himself yawn, long and stretched, as he opened the door more.

The two newcomers entered, placing the bags of groceries onto the counter.

"Tell you what hyung," Tae spoke up a while later, worriedly eye-ing the elder, "go ahead and nap. The both of us will leave after putting these away."

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