Chapter 50

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Just as she felt herself falling asleep she felt her door being open and frowned remembering she forgot to lock it.

She half opened her eyes and tried to sit up as she glanced at the door.

"Hey",She heard Manik's voice and looked at him confused.

"Manik?",She asked half sleepy wondering if she's imagining it.

He locked the door behind him walking closer to her and sitting beside her on the bed watching her.

"You are here?",She asked still wondering if he is for real.

He gave her a small smile and shut the lights and lay down properly.

She just stared at him from far not making a move to come closer.

"Come over.",he asked in a whisper and she moved immediately to his side and he wrapped his hand around her holding her close.

"Is today a bonus too because we are on a holiday?",She asked him not wanting him to leave and he looked down at her.

He wasn't planning to stay the night. He just wanted to talk to her but watching her he knew he wasn't going back to his room tonight till she sleeps.

"Hmm.",he hummed kissing her head.

"Did I disturb your sleep?",he asked patting her head.

"I just fell asleep.",She replied and he looked down at her.

"The room was unlocked.", He said with a frown.

"I forgot. I will take care next time.",She said not wanting him to start lecturing her about it.

"Are you hungry?",he asked and she nodded in no hugging him.

"You missed dinner.",he said recalling Ishaan's words.

"You weren't there.",She replied in a whisper and he looked down at her upset with himself.

"I am sorry. We can go have dinner now.",He said making a move to stand but she held him close.

"Don't. Just stay here.",She whispered and he looked down at her.

He frowned realising he should have talked to her earlier or send her a message. He was walking on thin line with her patience going down. He had wanted to talk to her explain her everything but he was scared now after the talk with Shravan. He didn't want her to get stuck in his world.

"Nandini",he sighed knowing he have a lot to explain to her and he will. If not completely, atleast parts of it. She deserved it.

"I know Manik. I understand. I am not even asking you about it. I just..",She stopped and looked at him in the eye.

"I just want to be there. I don't want an explanation or a reason or anything. I just want to be there with you. I don't like you leaving. I don't like the fact that I can't be there with you. I hate wondering if you are okay or not. I want to... I simply want to just sit with you and make sure you are fine. ",She said her heart out feeling down and helpless.

He could feel how close she was to breaking down.

" It's a habit. I hate being angry so everytime there's something that I don't like I leave immediately. Cabir, Mukti they never had a problem with it. They never said a thing. So I never had to worry about it. I am not giving you excuses to explain my actions. I know I am responsible to you now and I am trying. I just don't want you to think I don't care.",Manik explained her his perspective.

" I am not strong like them when it comes to you Manik. I thought you knew it by now. I can't watch you leave and wait for you with my overbearing thoughts. It will kill me. Before you came over Ishaan told me you are back but I couldn't bring it to myself to go over to you. All I could think was would you want me to come there. You left without saying a word. You didn't call. I thought maybe you needed space and time away from me. ",Nandini confessed her insecurities surfacing up as she tried to keep her voice calm and compose herself.

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