Chapter 3

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The next day, Michelle walked into the school premises and looked at her watch.


She was fifteen minutes late.

She mumbled a few words of fearful prayer and walked into the bursar's office.

Like her former school, she expected to see a stiff-necked man who would viciously lash her with his tongue for coming late.

Instead, she was warmly welcomed by a plain-faced woman with a sweet smile. She told Michelle to write down her name on a log book and a minute later, she followed the bursar to her classroom.

There was no teacher in the class when they got there and the class fell into a hush when Michelle was spotted.

"Well, well, well...  What do we have here? "Skyler, a tall; dark; handsome bully said.

"You! "Chinyere stood in front of Michelle and folded her arms.

"Yes,me" Michelle gave an uneasy and fearful smile.

"Whatever goes around, comes around indeed "chinyere walked round Michelle and halted in front of her."what are you doing here? "

"I.. Um.. "Michelle gulped, her pupils darting fearfully. "Um.. Actually, I'm new here. "

"I can see that. What are you doing here? "

"Miss Bisi? "Michelle looked at the bursar for help. The bursar swallowed hard and looked away.

What's going on here? Michelle thought.
In her former school, chinyere would have been sent out of the class for constituting nuisance, especially by the stiff-necked bursar Mr Mustapha.

As if she were reading her thoughts, chinyere said, "what do you want Miss Bisi to do? Send me out of the class? Honey, she's going to loose her job if she does that. My father is senator Akachi,we own this school. All the students are superior and the teachers have no say in our lives. They're paid to teach us, not to order us about. "

"You... Your father owns this school? "Michelle could not hide her amazement.

"No silly... We as in the students "chinyere said smugly.

"Oh. Okay then"Michelle made to seat but Ruby quickly sat on her intended seat.

Her heart pounding, michelle made for the next seat but chinyere planted her feet on the chair and signalled for Patricia to take the next seat.

"Blast it chi!"A voice at the back seat said. "Give the poor girl a breathing space. She's new for God's sake! "

Chinyere suddenly took her feet off the chair as if controlled by a remote and walked towards the direction of the voice. "Omar.... "She drawled. "'re my boyfriend, you should support me "

"You know I don't support evil chi. Leave the chit be. "Omar said and gestured for michelle to take her seat, which she did quietly and fearfully.

Dear God! What's all this? This is only my first day here. Nobody even asked of my name. Oh dear, oh dear. She cried in her heart.

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