2. The training begins.

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Satoshi has finally arrived at Itaki's house. Well, more like he followed Itaki the entire way.

As soon as they reach there, Itaki asks him a few questions.

"How old are you?"
"I'm 7 years old."

"Why did you want to become a demon slayer?"
"I want to become a demon slayer because I want to protect people from those filthy creatures known as demons."

"When do you want to start your training?"
"As soon as possible, sensei."

"Ok then, first of all, we will be climbing a mountain."
"Haii, sensei."

Itaki and Satoshi climbs up a mountain which is around 400 metres tall in about 10 minutes. After reaching the top, Satoshi's eyes widened with joy and aurprse as he sees there are a lot of equipments for training. From ropes to weights made of stones and woods to obstacle courses.

This was the best place to train and to make a muscular body. Here, Itaki says, "Hey Satoshi, do push-ups. I want to see how many you can do. And we will start after having a rough knowledge of your abilities."

Without wasting a second, Satoshi starts doing push-ups. He was able to do 23 push-ups. Seeing this, Itaki was quite impressed because when he was 7 years old, all he could do was 14 push-ups.

"Hai, sensei!"
"Do pull-ups now!"
"Ok, sensei!"
And with that, he starts doing pull-ups. He was able to do 12 pull-ups.

"Good job. Let's take rest for a while, shall we?"

"Ok, *pants* sensei *pants*"

As they were resting, Satoshi asks Itaki a question. "Itaki-Sensei, how did you meet my father."

"Well, I met your father in a town when he was selling charcoal. It was about 5 years ago. That day, only no one bought his charcoal, so I bought some for him. And then I helped him by carrying his basket, so yeah that's just a brief explanation of how we met."

They then had a small chit-chat for a while before finally continuing the warmup (?).

Itaki tells him to swing the wooden sword 30 times, which Satoshi did without much of a problem.

Itaki smiled seeing this.
"Satoshi, from what I can see, you're very  ahead from all the young boys out there. In other words, you're strong abd active for your age."

"Thanks, sensei!"

Itaki nods. "So, what I'm planning is, I will slowly increase the load of your training. So with that said, starting from tomorrow, you will do 20 push-ups, 10 pull-ups, 30 sword swings, everyday, every morning and evening. And as for your legs, let's do 30 squats every morning and evening, and a quick 4km run."

"I understand, sensei!"

Itaki smiled in a way which Satoshi quite didn't understand. He then said, "As for now, you are going to run down this mountain. I will be waiting at the house. And one more thing, you have to arrive at my house under under 4 hours."

And with that, in the blink of an eye, Itaki disappeared.

"What's so hard about going down this mountain. I was able to climb to the top in 10 minutes, so climbing down shouldn't be hard." Satoshi thought to himself as he released a puff of air and started running down the mountain. "Hah! This is easyyyyAGhhhhhhh......"

Out of nowhere, he fell into a pit. "Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch. That hurts. Pitfalls? There are traps laid around the mountain?" Satoshi sighed as he said that. "I guess it wouldn't be easy to go back down now."

Satoshi KamadoWhere stories live. Discover now