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"The ocean is so big that none have discovered all of it"

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"The ocean is so big that none have discovered all of it"


The choice had been made. It was made with the thought of the kingdom. In all of his years (which has been since the world began), Poseidon has never made such a difficult choice. To have to give up the one person that makes him feel whole inside. The only one that has ever been right for him, the only one that understood him. Beneath all the stubbornness, they understood each other on a level that no one else has. Now, no one will ever understand this man, no one will love him like she loved him, no one will ever connect with him like she had done.

Poseidon stands there, with her on that pillar. The beauty that she holds is glowing and even in the eternal sleep, she's as beautiful as always has been. Still, she could be declared the world's ugliest woman, and Poseidon would say that she were beautiful. It is simply not the outside beauty that he sees, but rather what is on the inside. Isolde's aura is enchantingly beautiful, and he can see it as clear as he can see the life that flows in the ocean. All he does is stare at her and admire her.

He's alone in the room, the worriers have left to be somewhere else in the castle to take care of their injured ones. Poseidon is not alone in this throne room. She's with him. Perhaps not in spirit, but she is there with him. Slowly, he caresses her cheek. The cold flesh is like ice to the touch. It is not the cold that bothers him nor does it harm him in any way, but it makes all of it much worse. No warmth runs through her body, no sign to show that the girl is alive or could still be alive.

In the shadows, a girl watches her brother stare at the love of his life. The sadness across her face is true. Reminding the black haired girl of what had happened not that long ago to her. While she might not have faced death herself nor felt it take her away, she has watched it happen. Luna has watched the few people that she has cared about fall prey to death, and some do return while others will not. Their souls will either go to the place that she won't be able to enter or end up in Hell, where the possibility of their souls be lost for all eternity in that place.

Whatever had happened to the girl that lies there not that far away from Luna, she does not know. If their brother has not returned her soul, she has most likely ended up in Heaven. The one place where the siblings cannot enter, except one. Poseidon may never know what had happened to the love of his life, but he can believe that she went to a better place. What better place is the ocean? He doesn't know and neither does Luna. The girl continues to stare at her brother, giving him this small moment before he will lose the one person he holds dear forever.

The man doesn't cry, the world does it for him. The sky is dark gray, rain falls on the world everywhere. It is not only a dark day in the ocean but the rest of the world too, the human world. Drowning anything that it can. Flooding all that it touches. The world suffers like he suffers. The power the five siblings hold is too great, and the world will always suffer when their emotions take over them.

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