Scenario: Gotcha!

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In which you find out about Dylan's antics and make a plan to catch him in the act.

Content warning: gender neutral reader, stalking, unhealthy dynamics, obsessive/possessive behaviour (both parties)

Scenario suggested by edgeyfrisk-the-human!

If you have a scenario you'd like me to write, please drop it in the appropriate chapter :]


Dylan was so good at being the perfect boyfriend.

Well, almost the perfect boyfriend.

You had been seeing him for a month now, going on dates three or four times a week and texting constantly. Multiple good morning/night texts, memes, and general check ins throughout the day. Your boss was beginning to get on your case for how often you had your nose in your phone while on the clock, but fuck work honestly - they couldn't fire you and still operate on the skeleton crew they had - you were easily doing three peoples jobs. Too valuable to toss away, your managers typically only grumbled and you could deal with that.

He was affectionate and attentive, giving you loads of gifts and constantly hovering when the two of you would go out, slinging an arm around your waist or holding your hand. You loved the look he'd give others if their gaze lingered on you for too long; a cold, challenging stare that screamed 'just try it'. He was yours, and you were his, and he wasn't afraid to show it.

However, the one thing that made him just not quite perfect was his, hrmm, 'nighttime hobby'. See, he had referenced it before on the second date, and was a bit vague to what exactly it pertained to. He said that it wasn't something that could pay the bills like his vlogging, and that it had him up to the wee hours of the morning. You thought at first that maybe he was an insomniac and read long into the night.
That was proven false when you once awoke to him stroking your arm, running his fingers over your skin. You had played it off as being disturbed in a dream, and he quickly vacated your room.
You immediately connected the dots to why your window was constantly left open despite not remembering actually opening the thing, and the frequent dreams of feeling warm and loved.

The thought of him sneaking into your apartment in the middle of the night wasn't exactly... uncomfortable. You knew that many would be disturbed by the notion, but you were both relieved and amused by his nighttime visits. At least it was someone you knew, especially the man that you were growing to love. He cared for you so much that he could barely stand being away for long!

Despite those thoughts you were a little annoyed. How could Dylan do that... when he knew that you'd jump at his request to stay the night! Well, maybe he didn't know. Maybe he was still hesitant to go to that level. What a gentleman.

Out of a mix of the annoyance and your own home-grown mischief, you hatched a plan to surprise him during one of the visits. Pretend you were asleep and ambush him into some good old fashioned cuddling.

Fool proof.

You practised for a few nights and waited for him to arrive.


The window was unlocked again, as always. Dylan smiled to himself as he balanced precariously on the top ledge of the window below, resting his hands on the sill as he gazed into the room of his beloved.

Even despite going on a date that afternoon with them he just couldn't get enough, couldn't stop himself from indulging in what was a longstanding habit. Hanging (literally) outside their window and in their room.

He thought of himself as a sort of protector, watching over his darling as they slept to keep the shadows and nightmares away. They always seemed to sleep so soundly when he was there, and tonight was no different. He could almost see the calm, peaceful expression they wore as they breathed in and out slowly, rhythmically, back turned to him.

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