7 Whipped Men/Part 1 Hyunin

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You know it's a shame you have family at home." Hyunjin said with a sigh as he took a drag from his cigarettes as he cocked his gun. Looking over he stared at the man tied to the chair shaking as he looked at Hyunjin with pleading eyes. "P-please, d-d-don't do t-this." The cried as trembled fear running through his body.

A dark look formed on Hyunjin face as he turned his body toward the man slowly walking over. Grabbing the man's jaw he scoffed as the man sobbed, begging him to let go. "Maybe you should have thought about that before you screwed us over." He said harshly pulling his hand away before pointing the gun at the man's head and pulling the trigger blood splattering over the floor of the room and on the leather sleeveless shirt he wore. "Well shit." He muttered looking at the blood on it.

"Usually you take your time to torture them." A voice said with a small chuckle making the blonde look back to see the familiar brunette leaning against the wall. "I'm a little late for my date tonight." Hyunjin said as he shoved the gun back into it's holster before taking another drag of his cigarette.

Minho hummed pushing off the wall he was leaning against and pulling his hand out of his pocket holding out a few bills. "What's this for?" Hyunjin asked with a raised brow as he dropped his cigarette on the ground and crushed it beneath his black combat boot's. "Take it as an apology for keeping Jeongin waiting." Minho said as Hyunjin took the cash.

"Oh and by the way, I heard Soo-min's gang has been attacking lately. Please be careful I can't have my most skilled gun men killed" Minho said as he walked toward the door glancing back at Hyunjin with sharp eyes.

"Yes sir."


Jeongin shuffled in his seat fixing his pink pleated satin skirt as he waited for his lover. Hyunjin was running a few minutes late which wasn't a surprise since he mentioned he was doing a job. Jeongin wasn't completely oblivious to what that meant. He knew Hyunjin worked in a gang, he knew that he killed people but Hyunjin kept most thing's a secret since they where confidential.

He had met a few gang members such as Jisung and Seungmin who he was close with. They often went on shopping dates along with a only bottoms night as Jisung called it. A few others he knew about but hadn't exactly met.

There was Chan who was Seungmin's boyfriend who ran the gang alongside Minho who was with Jisung. He didn't know a lot about them nor Changbin or Felix who he rarely saw, but he did know that Changbin personally did all of Hyunjin's tattoos and piercing's.

Sipping on his glass of water Jeongin scrolled through his phone looking at Instagram. A loud bang caught his attention his eye's wondering over to the front of the small restaurant where a man stood his gun pointed on the woman behind the counter. Jeongin panicked when more men rushed into the restaurant.

Quickly he slipped underneath the table huddled up against the wall underneath the booth. He could hear yelling and talking panicked screams coming from the other customers. Shakily he opened his phone searching for his emergency numbers pressing the first one he brought the device to his ear trying to be quiet as the men walked passed his

"Baby?" The familiar voice said through the other line. "Jinnie." Jeongin whispered out shakily.

"Jeongin what's wrong?" Hyunjin asked his tone filled with concern and worry. Jeongin watched as another man passed by his breath hitching. "Jinnie..t-these man they took over the r-restaurant." He whispered softly trying to stay as calm as possible. His breath hitched when the table was pulled out and a man stared at him with a grin. Eye's widening in horror the phone dropped from his phone, the yells from Hyunjin coming from the device.

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