Chapter 12: Lies

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Y/n's POV:

The next morning was a normal one in the sense that I woke up and got ready with Hermione. It was a Saturday so I wore some skinny jeans with a t-shirt but put Fred's jumper over the top.

"Let's go for breakfast, I'm so hungry" I said

"Yeah me to." She replied.

We left our dorm and went down the stairs. To our surprise the boys weren't there waiting for us like they usually do.

"That's wired" said Hermione "they always wait for us"

"Yeah. Maybe they are sleeping in. It is Saturday" I said, not entirely convinced with my suggestion.

"Maybe, come on. Let's go. They could be down there". Hermione declared.

She grabbed my sleeve and pulled me out. As we walked, I had a feeling that I done something wrong. Did he hate the kiss last night? Did my horrific dancing do something?

"Y/N!" Called Hermione "what's wrong"

"Oh. Nothing" I lied. "Let's go to the great hall"

We arrived for breakfast and I saw that Fred, George or Lee weren't aren't at the table. I sat with Hermione, Harry, Ron and Ginny instead.

"Well done for yesterday Harry!" I cheered trying to put my mind off the twins.

"Thank you" he replied

"Are you alright y/n? Asked Ginny "you seem really off today"

Everyone at the table agreed with Ginny.

"Well umm-" I was about to start telling them but I saw Fred walking towards me looking angry, George and Lee were trying to stop him. But it's almost impossible when Fred is this angry.

"What is this!" He yelled as he slammed the daily prophet down in front of me.

"A newspaper" I joked. But I could tell that he was being serious so I stopped.

"Read it" he said angrily

I grabbed the newspaper and read it. I can't believe Rita Skeeter done it
It read:


The day of the first task of the triwizard tournament, we could see y/n, y/l/n and Hogwarts champion Cedric Diggory have a romantic hug and a suspended kiss. Sources say that these two sixth years are madly in love. The duo got caught by us, capturing the lovely exchange between the two lovebirds. We are yet to hear Y/n Y/l/n's or Cedric Diggory's response to this but will update here when we have that information.

"You really believe that" I said. Now angry at the newspaper.

"What else is there to prove the point y/n" Fred yelled.

"ME! I've told you me and Cedric are only friends"

"Well how can I believe this now. You lost my trust y/n"

"So your calling me a liar" I said shocked. Hoping to hear a no.

"Yes" he responded. "You promised me that there was nothing between you both. You lied to me" I was taken aback by this. He believed that. Over me

"So let me get this straight. Your trusting Skeeter, who is known for misinterpreting information, than me, someone you've known for 6 years who has never lied to you"

"Yes. I can't believe this y/n. I don't know why I wanted to be friends with you in the first place"

"Why are you getting so defensive over me and wished you never were my friend. And why are we on mad by me hanging out with Cedric?"

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