I Trust You

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Marinette's POV:

"Oh darling, you're awake!"


I groggily rubbed my eyes, and my vision focused on the woman looking at me. She had platinum-blonde hair and dark green eyes.

"Emilie Agreste?" I tried to sit up, but a searing pain burned through the back of my head. I lay back down again. The woman kneeled down beside me and smiled.

"I'm Amelie Graham de Vanily, Felix's mom!" she exclaimed, shaking my hand. "But you can just call me Amelie!" 

My eyes widened. She looked identical to Emilie.

A sudden realization struck me as the memories flooded back. I immediately reached for my head and stomach. Huh. Both were bandaged up just fine.

"What?! Felix?! Where am I?" I sat up again, and needles shot down my spine.

"You're in the guest bedroom!" Amelie chirped. "Felix found you bleeding in an alleyway."


I stared at her, and looked around, despite my head throbbing. I was on a green bed, situated in the middle of a spacious room. The marble floors reflected the light from the chandelier, forcing my eyes to squint.

"Don't stress her out too much, Mother," a cold voice rang from the hallway. I froze. Felix entered the room, and he looked just like he had a couple months ago. He was dressed formally like always, his green eyes showing no sign of emotion. Amelie smiled at him. She got up and patted his head.

"Alright sweetie," she replied. She started to exit the room. "Breakfast will be ready in 2 minutes!"

 When she left, the cold silence resumed. Suddenly, Felix walked over to me, and put his hand on my forehead. I flinched from the coldness of the touch. 

"I'm surprised you didn't catch a cold, Miss Marinette," he stated, walking towards the window. He opened up the blinds. I looked at my hands. All bandaged up as well. 

"Was it... that bad?" I quietly asked. Felix stopped, and straightened his back.

"Yes. Yes it was." His voice shook a little, and I wondered how bad I had looked. He stepped back from the windows and walked towards the door. 

"Don't try to imagine it. You will be resting here for a few days. I will bring up your meal." He closed the door behind him. My eyes widened again. A few days? I lay back down as soon as my stomach started to ache. I couldn't believe Alya had done that.  I wondered what she was telling everyone, that she was fighting me off for Lila? Their pronounced queen? They had all chosen the girl that had only been here for almost a year. 

I sank down into my bedsheets.

My friends had told me I had a forgiving nature. But they were wrong. 

I wanted Alya and Lila to be jailed away.



Third Person:

It was still raining.

Alya finished having breakfast with her boyfriend, Nino, and her family. Once they were finished eating, she waved goodbye and headed off to school. She entered and Lila smiled and waved. 

"Alya, I missed you so much!" she squealed, thrusting her arms around her. Alya grinned.

"C'mon girl, let's go."

They walked into class, with Nino trailing behind them. Miss Bustier was already taking attendance.

"We are so sorry, Miss!" Lila said. Miss Bustier nodded sympathetically and they all slid in their seats. 

Hurt Her And I'll Shatter You (AU Felinette Story)Where stories live. Discover now