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Claire gazed in open shock at the Sprite before her. She didn't even bother concealing it. "'re old." In all her surprise she'd forgotten her manners. But he was, after all, old. His hair was white and thinned, his skin wrinkled. He looked positively...ancient. But Sprites didn't get old, did they? She'd never seen one.

The Sprite gave a bark of laughter, not bothering to look up from the easel where he was painting. She saw part of his work, a unicorn black as midnight, almost iridescent like Talon's scales. Its eyes looked so real, they seemed to watch her, even at an angle.

"Forgive me, Kenya," Princess Taylynn threw her an appalled glare. "She is not familiar with our...customs—"

"Bah! She speaks the truth." The Sprite waved a paintbrush in dismissal. Taylynn bowed her head. He looked up then, his eyes falling on Taylynn's figure. "I wondered when you would bring her to me, Elam."

"I have been...away."

"Yes." He harrumphed, set his brush down, wiped his hands, and turned to better see them both. "You weren't exaggerating," he said at last. Claire felt the weight of his scrutiny heavy on her. "She looks near identical, does she not? I see now why you chose her."

Claire opened her mouth but couldn't find the words.

"I had hoped—"

"I know exactly what you had hoped, girl," he grumbled. "Be gone. I will speak with her alone."

"Of course, Kenya." Taylynn bowed. She did not appear offended in the slightest. Was this old Sprite her...teacher? They spoke as if it were so—teacher and student. Taylynn had addressed him with reverence, with the same honored title Claire used with Lord Marquin.

Once Taylynn was gone from the cluttered dwelling, the Sprite turned his weighty attention upon her. "Sit, girl. Sit. It tires me to see you standing. These old bones aren't what they once were, as you so obviously pointed out."

"I...I'm sorry. I never meant offense." She'd found her voice at last.

"And you gave none. Now, sit."

She'd never fallen into a chair so quickly. She watched him, unsure of what to make of this. Who was he? Why had Taylynn brought her here? The day already felt unusually long. Racing through the forest, fighting for her life. Confirmation of who she had descended from. And now...this?

"I know why she brought you to me." He scowled, accentuating his wrinkles. "Training, I'm sure. She's mentioned it before, but I never agreed to it."

"" She blinked. "Lord Marquin—"

"Lord Marquin?! That stuffy—?" He stopped himself, taking a deep breath. "I am sure the queen's favorite has been superb in his instruction. Oh, yes." He harrumphed again, leaning back. "Lord Marquin hasn't walked the forest long enough to know the way things used to be. Well now...I suppose I should introduce myself, since our facilitator has run off."

"You sent her away—"

"Yes—yes. I know. Gods above, give me patience."

A grin spread across her face. She liked him already. She couldn't have said why. But she did. He was completely unexpected. Not the slightest bit bothered by her lack of decorum.

"You may call me Pelwyn," he said. "Unless I agree to become your tutor, in which case, Kenya until you earn the privilege of my name."

She opened her mouth—

Koldis the Green (DRAGONWALL SERIES 4)Where stories live. Discover now