Part 1

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This story has swearing if you don't like swearing leave pls

Bacon hair was calmly playing meepcity, but then a very tall man came. He kinda looked like slender man. The tall man said:"What are you doing here, noob?" That was kind of rude of the tall man. Bacon hair asked:"Um, can I ask what your name is?" "My name is Jack, most people call me a slender I really don't like that." Should I call him slender? Because he's kind of rude to me. "Now get out of my way noob, I'm trying to look for a girlfriend." He pushed bacon hair on the ground, and bacon hair started crying. Everyone was looking at him, but someone helped him up. "Who are you?" Bacon hair asked. They answered:"My name is bacon girl nice to meet you." They said with a smile on their face. "My name is bacon hair, nice to meet you to!" Bacon hair then said. Bacon hair told them what happened. "That's very mean of that slender, you should take revenge on him." "Your very nice bacon girl, but i would maybe get banned from roblox." Bacon hair said. "Just make a new account!" That's smart, but.."But then I'll have to look for you everywhere." "That's not a problem, just tell me the user before you make it." "I don't know bacon girl..Oh I got to go, bye! Friend me, I'll accept it later." "Okay bye, cya later."bacon girl then said.

1 hour later

Bacon hair accepted the friend request, and joined bacon girl in meepcity. He then saw bacon girl get beat up by a girl with messy hair. "Hey stop beating up my friend!" Bacon hair said. The girl with the messy hair said:"Nice! Another noob to beat up." She laughed and walked up to bacon hair. She then punched bacon hair and pushed him on the floor. "Don't do that to my friend you ugly copy and paste!" Bacon girl kicked the copy and paste on her back. "Hey! You shouldn't have done that.." the copy and paste said. She was very angry. Bacon hair then saw a tall figure in the distance, it was the slender from before! The slender pushed bacon girl on the ground and then said:"Hey babe are you okay? Did that bitch hurt you?" "No I'm fine, she didn't even try." She laughed, but bacon hair saw she had pain in her back. Bacon girl said:"That's not true! I see the pain in your eyes." The slender looked shocked at his girlfriend. "Come on babe we're out of here" the slender said really angry. The copy and paste followed him. "Are you okay bacon girl?"bacon hair said "I'm fine." They answered. "Let's just hope we don't see them again."

1 day later

Bacon hair was very upset he couldn't fight back the other day. So he went to look for the slender and copy and paste to teach them a lesson. He looked in every server, every game. But he couldn't find them. They are probably offline bacon hair thought, but then he saw them in adopt me. Bacon girl told him that they went on a day trip so she wouldn't be online. So he had to handle this on his own. Bacon hair walked up to them, the copy and paste flinched "Oh I thought I saw a cockroach, but it's actually a noob" she laughed. The slender then said "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be dead already?" The copy and paste laughed harder. "Shut up! I'm here to teach you a lesson for bullying me and my friend!" They both laughed "What's so funny?" Bacon hair said. "You think-" he laughed "you can teach us a lesson?" The copy and paste wiped a tear from the laughing. "Yes! And now I will beat you up." Bacon hair answered. "Heh, i think its your death, noob." The copy and paste said. 

This was part 1 thank you for reading.

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