Episode 27, Near Nemesis.

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A couple of hours later

Location: Dilo's Lab.

Dilo: *sighs* Okay. Let's keep this up. Computer, code 698G.

Computer: Malfunction in system. Unable to fully start all system.

Dilo: Kinda figure that would happen. But it was worth the try. Computer, code 11002.

Computer: Code 11002 calibrating all systems........ Error, Error, Error. Unable to calibrate all systems.

Dilo: Okay..... Code 3609.

Computer: Code 3609 rebooting all systems........ Error, Error, Error. Unable to rebooting all systems.

Dilo: That code too? Code 10927D.

Computer: Code 10927D Cleaning process....... Error, Error, Error. Unable to clean all date base.

Dilo: Damn....... One more code. From there I'll try something else. Code 6790E.

Computer: Code 6790E Program scan.......  Error, Error, Error. Unable to scan all programs.

Dilo: Okay the Monsters were smart but not computers hacking level smart...... Fine. Computer, code firewall.

Computer: Code Firewall...... Code firewall has been overwritten.

Dilo: Overwriting?! Who the hell overwriting it?! I'm the only one that knows how! No body knows how to use the main computer system at my level! Only Rin can!..... So who the hell did it?..... Either we have a spy or a traitor amount us...... Questions is who is it?..... Computer scan Code name Bravo-Tango-Seven-Two-Seven-Four.

Computer: Scanning Bravo-Tango-Seven-Two-Seven-Four..... Scanner complete. Bravo-Tango-Seven-Two-Seven-Four is still operational at 100% No malfunction or virus has been found.

Dilo: Thank god. It was fucking difficult to created this A.I. or like Noah named it BT. Computer renamed the A.I to BT

Computer: Note it. A.I has been renamed to BT.

Dilo: Good...... Creating BT. A perfect A.I that can also work as a perfect defense and offense fighting program. Created to not just protect us. But to understand us. Understand human emotions and gain emotions. A digital lifeform. Still there's a possibility that this might go wrong like Terminator Skynet. But I believe if BT learns from someone with good intentions and a positive attitude. Then BT well turn pure.

Computer: Options. BT is ready to start program learning.

Dilo: Let's to a test run. Computer start learning program on BT.

Computer: Starting learning program in 3...2...1. BT is online.

Dilo: Okay. Why don't we start with something easy and simple. Hello BT.

A blue light appear in the computer screen.

BT: *silence*

Dilo: Okay..... Do you know what you are?

BT: *silence*

Dilo: Fine. Do you know who made you?

BT: *silence*

Dilo: Hmm..... Computer scan BT language system.

Computer: Scanning BT language system..... Scan completed. BT is capable of understanding and speaking more than 78 types of language. English included.

Dilo: So why doesn't he respond? Say something BT. Anything counts.

BT: *silence*

Dilo: *sighs* One more try. Do you know the reason why you were created? Do you know the purpose of your existent?

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