Chapter 130

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A/n: Hey ya'll little filler update on how everyone's doing before an actual chapter ;P


•babies being abandoned in dumpsters


After murder.

After murder.

It's all they saw on the news. Murders, kidnappings, Rape, drug traffickers, break ins, robberies, everything bad that could have happened, happened.

People were afraid to go to work, go to the store, hell, check their mail. Drive by shootings were happening all the time ever since that prison break.

It was chaos, and they loved it. Raegan cackled at the crying child she held in her hands, swaddled in a baby blanket, "oh Andrew, that's hilarious-and bland. We always simply just murder the babies. Why don't we do something a little bit"

It was sadistic what they were doing. They loved to slowly drive people insane with a slow, torturous kill. But babies? They didn't know how to react. They were helpless, they haven't developed yet. They don't know what they're feeling, all they know is that it hurts and there's nothing they can do but cry.

  "Oh, but we aren't going to kill it," she said before Andrew could say anything, "we're going to leave it here, in the dumpster. It'll rot in the dumpster truck, or be crushed later on. We won't be able to witness it, though...we will be able to see on the news. A camera man saw us run off with her."


"Melanie Collins, a two month old child found malnourished and dehydrated in a dumpster on Avenue three hundred ninety seven, by a kind man whose now looking to adopt her. Her parents, sadly were found dead just two days prior, when she was kidnapped around 9:30 pm. We are doing everything we can to find the suspects and stop this" the news reporter said, standing in front of the family's house.

"If you have any information on Andrew Cloud, please contact the local police department. This is the footage we captured of them a couple of days ago, running from the scene."

A video played of Raegan and Andrew running into some thick bushes with the child, making a quick escape.

Lucia sat with Virgil in her arms, stroking his hair comfortingly as she rested her head on Alice's shoulder.

"I just want this all to end..I want it all to go away, I want to create a safe little world for this little kid, one that I couldn't give to Virgil-to Emily, to all the other ones I lost..i'm so close to having this, and I am not losing would break me, and i'm sure Virgil would feel the same.." Lucia whispered.

"Lucia.." Alice said in the same tone and level as her, "it's going to be alright.."

"Mom, I want this sibling more than anything i've ever wanted in my entire life" Virgil said with a lopsided smile, "but if something were to happen to them, if Andrew were to-to somehow kill them or something....I wouldn't blame you. I can literally see the guilt in your eyes and nothing's happened, mom I love you so much, and I just want you to know that I believe that everything will be okay, no matter what."

"Awe, baby" Lucia said, tearing up as she embraced him gently, both of them being mindful of the baby.

"Oh hell no ya'll don't, I, as the future second mom of this child, will be getting in on this hug."

Lucia rolled her eyes, bringing her in, "and what makes you so sure of that?"

"A feeling.." she smiled, pecking Lucia on the cheek.

"EW, LOVE!" Virgil exclaimed.

"Oh you're so dramatic!" Alice exclaimed.

"Ohhh no i'm not, because being in love leads to making love, and I want no part in that!"

"I'd hope so, that our old lady selves wouldn't be getting you in on anything" Alice smirked.

"Oh my god, we're barely in our mid thirties! We aren't that old, right?" Lucia asked with a chuckle.




"If you were a vegetable you'd be a cutecumber" Remy smirked down at Emile.

"Oh?" Emile asked with a smile.

"Bet you're also a cute cummer. I'd like to find out..."

Emile blushed profusely, covering his face.

"Get out of my house" Rose joked, "i'm completely okay with your kinky sexy ideas, but-please, save it for the bedroom. I want no part in this."

"Really, you don't want a picture?" Jack joked.

"Oh, i'm sure the fbi would be knocking on my door if I did, so sadly, no" she smiled, "and wash your hands before dinner if you're going to do that, I don't want any of your sperm cells in my food."

"MOOOM!" Emile exclaimed, "not in front of Patton!"

"What? He's a big boy now, he needs to learn."

"I can show him" Logan smirked.


"Perfect, you do that, and remember-you don't need protection unless you like the feeling of rubber in your ass" Rose said.


She called back, "exactly! He needs to learn-also, Remus get out behind that couch, I know you were the one that told Remy to say that to Emile, you can't fool me! Send me the video of it while your at it."

"How did you know!?" Remus groaned, standing up from his 'expert hiding place.'

"Hey, I may be confined to crutches and bedrest, but I can smell a rat from a mile away!" Rose laughed, returning to the kitchen where she continued to goof off with Richard and Katlin as they attempted to make one of Rose's official mom recipe's ™.

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