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Hello wonderful people!

I looked back at this and realized I haven't posted an actual one shot since May and I'm very sorry for that.

I can't tell you how many one shots I have started and just have never got around to finishing.

I'm working on committing to finishing at least one for this week whether it was one I posted a summary about or just one I came up with after.

About my new books. I might just stick with the childhood friends au being a one shot because I'm actually not really sure how to start the book.

I had another idea for a book I was thinking on starting but I'm not sure if I'll go forward with it.

As for UnOrdinary Unleashed Hell....no I did not forget about that either.

I am all over the place right now mentally and some things I just have 0 motivation to do while others I have some. I'm going to try and edit the new chapter as best as I can but I can't promise the same quality as previous chapters. Another reason why I'm avoiding that story is because I don't want to butcher Spirit's amazing story.

Welp I think that's about it. Just wanted to let you all know that I'm not dead and will try my best to return to this book as well as not die for as long on my other one.

Thank u for all your patience and hope everyone has a great day/night :))

Also yes the edit for the title image is my own hehe

 UnOrdinary: A Collection Of Jeraphina One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now