Apologies via messages

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Third Person's P.O.V

"Apologize to him son." Taehyung rolled his eyes and pocketed back his phone. He slumped back on the bench he was seated on, tilting his head back, staring at the yellow colored streetlight above aimlessly.

Apparently Jungkook had ticked his parents off of his 'suspicious' behavior and now they've been spamming his WhatsApp with messages about how he should apologize to Jungkook for his 'arrogant attitude' towards the younger.

But his mind was currently cursing at him for a completely different reason.

'You fool how insensitive could you be to spew such sharp words to Seokjin?!'

'I should probably apologize...'

'Oh you think so? OF COURSE YOU HAVE TO!'

'What if he doesn't forgive me?'

'You're saying as if you deserve it.'

A frustrated sigh escaped his lips as sat back up straight and fished out his phone, determined, ignoring the messages from his parents he went straight to the search box and typed 'seokjinnie'.

The contact popped up immediately, with bowl of japchae as the profile pic.

With hesitant fingers he tapped on the chat he hadn't viewed for almost 5 years. Their last conversation had been about Jin's dog passing away and Taehyung comforting him.

'Jin hyung I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have said those words even if you deserved it...'

'No no no that's too exaggerated!' He erased the message.

'Hyung I'm sorry.'

'No that's just too simple!' He erased the message again. With his brows furrowed he typed his message again and before his mind could attack him again, hit send.

The yellow light above him flickered. He checked the time and got up sighing, brushing his behind lightly, he made his way back home.


"Jin hyung are you fine? Won't you have dinner?" "Yeah Chim I'm fine. I'll join you guys in a minute...you can start don't wait for me..." Jin answered back the knock on his bedroom door and went back to aimlessly staring at his white ceiling again.

'Why did he act as if he was so affected from me leaving him? He should be fine right? As he had met Jungkook the same night I left? Was he trying to make me feel bad about myself? But-"

A loud 'ting' from his phone echoed in the empty room successfully breaking Seokjin's train of thoughts. He fished out his phone from somewhere under the mess of bedsheets he had created and stilled as he read the sender's name.


I'm sorry 💜

A small smile formed on his lips as he reread those 2 words again and again. 'The purple heart...Oh Taehyung-ah, when will you grow up?'

He still remembered the way Taehyung always used purple hearts to apologize or to congratulate and when asked he'd answer, 'Purple is the last color of the rainbow...it means that my heartfelt emotions will last longer with them than any other color.'

Jin quickly typed back his response but then stopped, 'wouldn't it seem like I'm too eager to answer...? I'll text back after having dinner.'

He flunked the sheets off him, turned the A.C off and without suppressing his small smile hopped downstairs for dinner.

INSOLENT || Taejin (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now