science iz hard

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Antarctica: it is a nice day..

Antarctica: I love summer

Antarctica: That is when it is sunny

Russian Scientists: *discover Lake Vostok*

Antarctica: Whoa! I didn't even know that was still there.

Russian Scientists: *discover over 3500 different species in Lake Vostok*

Antarctica: I didn't know I had that many animals here.. I mostly have penguins and walruses.

American scientists: *discover three ancient, man-made pyramids* Bruh..

Antarctica: Don't ask how I made those! It's a secret.

American scientists: *discover U-Boats*

Antarctica: Who said you could come to my house and pull out all my junk anyways?

British scientists: *discover mountains under 3 miles of ice* How the bloody hell have these not eroded?





Antarctica: MAGIC, BITCHES.

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