Chapter 8

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Yuuei is shit as a school in canon and this is a fanfiction so I'm gonna fix it.

Anyway, on with the story.

Aizawa, unlike most people think, is almost always early to class. He arrives 45 to 50 minutes before school starts, then naps when he's sure everything is in order. He goes over his classlist once more and hums to himself.

Part of the reason why he's early today in particular is because the principal asked to have a meeting this morning.

With a curt sigh, he makes his way to the principal's office.

"Ah, Aizawa, you're here." Principal Nezu says.

In the room already is most of the teaching staff with the exception of Lunch Rush who was doing prep for the lunch hour.

Aizawa nods and Nezu decides to get right to the point. "We've discussed at length the topic of the... rather interesting turn out of students, both in the hero course and outside of it.

"As such, I have a couple things I'd like to add to that discussion that we haven't thought about yet. First would be in relation to the students Bakugou Katsuki and Midoriya Izuku. In the past, their relationship has been extremely violent and one sided. A quick visit to their past school and a discussion with a teacher there will tell you everything you need to know.

"For cases like this, some would argue that it's best to have them try and let go of their bad blood by forcing them to work with each other. This would be dangerous for everyone involved, and I'd advise against it. Does anyone have anything to add on this subject?" Nezu explains seriously.

"No, Mr. Principal." The teachers chorus.

"Next, about the influx of students with apparent 'villainous' Quirks...."

Unbeknownst to the teachers, a hawk watches their meeting with keen eyes.

Lunch time

Sasuke opens the window in the bathroom and waits for one of his hawks to land on a nearby tree branch.

"They had a meeting?" Sasuke asks.

"As you predicted, Sasuke-sama. As far as I could tell, the majority of your teachers as well as the teachers of the other classes in this year attended. They discussed a couple of the students in your class, Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, and Yaoyorozu Momo. They also discussed a child named Mineta Minoru, however that was a brief discussion and more related to something that occurred in his middle school."

"In the other classes?"

"They mentioned 'villainous Quirks and behaviours' quite a bit." The hawk, Annaisha, says.

"I didn't think of them as the type to care about biases like that." Sasuke comments wryly.

"It was more like handling and reminding people that they're students still learning." Annaisha flutters her wings gently.

"Hm." Sasuke didn't really care about any of that.

"Nothing about you was mentioned. Whether it's because of the genjutsu or because they see you as unproblematic, I couldn't say."

Sasuke sighs and thinks about what he should do next.

Having a summon tail his teacher would probably be useless, not when there's been no reason to suspect that he does anything interesting in his time outside of school.

"Ok, thank you, Annaisha."

Annaisha nods and poofs out of existence.

The only time a tail would be useful would be to listen in to the teacher's meetings but even then, it could lead to unnecessary complications.

The bell rings and Sasuke makes his way back to class.

"Oh, Hatake-san!" It's Iida. Sasuke somehow managed to run into the one person he'd introduced himself to.

"Iida-san." Sasuke replies quietly.

"I didn't see you at lunch after the Quirk apprehension test." Iida says, making weird chopping motions with his hands. "Where did you go?"

The Quirk apprehension test was something their entire class had done earlier in the day. It wasn't particularly interesting. Sasuke scored 12th overall with ease. The only notable thing was that a green haired child, Midoriya, wasn't expelled.

All Might also spent a weird amount of time watching their class.

Sasuke wonders if he has any other classes to teach.

Why is All Might teaching at Yuuei anyway? As far as Sasuke knows, he has no prior teaching experience, hasn't dealt with teenagers for an extended period of time... ever, and was still doing pretty well for a hero, even if his public appearances were going down.

"I'm uh... not a fan of public spaces." Sasuke makes a show of looking down at his feet and fidgeting.

"Oh! I understand!" Iida says way too loudly for a calm conversation.

They enter the class and take their seats.

Later that day

The school day ends after long, boring hours of doing basically nothing. Sasuke is already tired of school and it's only been a day. He thinks it's a bit weird, how long people spend in school in this dimension.

Their last couple classes had been designing hero "outfits" and a look at the school curriculum for the different core courses.

Sasuke didn't really put a lot of thought into his costume since he won't be using it in the future, either way, he does a quick sketch of something practical for moving and stealth and then hands his paper in.

All Might says that tomorrow will be the first day of "real" hero training and they're instructed to bring snacks and lots of water for all days in which they have hero training. Hero training is on Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The other 2 days are supposed to be more academic heavy days.

It doesn't affect Sasuke either way.

Well... it didn't.

fake tobi

Sensei has found a Quirk that fits
your description.

If you saw this posted before then no you didn't.

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