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We followed the vampire in silence. I had goosebumps up my arm from the unnatural situation but I tried my hardest to remain calm.

We came to the end of the cemetery, where past the high iron fences was just thick forest as far as you could see.

"You understand," The vampire broke the silence as he opened an enormous rusty black iron gate that blended in perfectly to the fence, "That the Mistress is being incredibly generous by allowing you to see her home. I want to warn you up front,"

He stepped through the gate and held it open for us, his deep brown eyes flashing red as he watched us walk through, "If you decline her offer, you will not be allowed to live-"

"Stop with the threats, fang-face," I snapped at him, "Just take us to the stupid house already, we don't want to hear it,"

A smile slowly spread his lips, revealing a set of sharp, pointed teeth, "There are no threats from me, Park Jimin. Only statements of truth,"

It was obvious that he was trying to scare me by using my name, but it didn't work. All the blood suckers knew us by name.

"Whatever, fang-face,"

The smile dropped again and he frowned, "Do not call me that. My name is Taehyung,"

"I don't care," I waved my hand at him.

"Then you can't object to my little ... pet name.. for you, blood-bag,"

I clenched my teeth as a shiver ran down my spine and he smiled again, obviously seeing my discomfort.

"I shall stop if you do," He said smoothly.

"Jimin drop it, let's just go," Hoseok muttered at me, pulling on my arm, "I'm creeped out enough as it is,"

I continued to glare at the vampire until it became obvious I wasn't going to win a staring match with him.

"Fine," I muttered, "Let's just hurry it up,"

He stepped away from the gate, letting it swing closed with a surprising lack of noise, before heading into the trees.

"Some advice, Park Jimin and friends," He said, not looking back at us, "The Mistress would destroy you with barely a blink if you speak such disrespectfully to her as you do to me. She does not care for such games,"

"Old age made her bitter?" I couldn't stop myself and grunted in pain when Namjoon elbowed me with a hiss to shut my mouth.

The Vampire paused momentarily, "Bitter? Perhaps. Though, it is more like she is made of ice now. Her transition was... Not easy,"

Namjoon, ever curious, began to ask questions, "What do you mean?"

"I mean that when she was turned it did not go easy for her,"

"But how? Does it have something to do with the wedding dress?"

I had to give it to the fang-face. He didn't get fed up woth Namjoon as quickly as we did.

"If you wish to hear details, you will have to ask the Mistress," He grinned, "But knowing will probably kill you,"

Before Namjoon could ask anything else, a dark, dilapidated house slowly seemed to grow from the ground in front of us. I was surprised I didn't notice it before.

"It is designed to look unpleasant enough to keep you mortals away," The vampire said as we got to the gate, "But inside is quite lovely,"

Our boots crunched on the stones on the way to the front door. I felt a shiver and suddenly fear shot through me, seemingly paralysing my body so I was unable to take another step.

All I could do was blink as the dark wood front door creaked open, revealing the other vampire that was stood behind the blonde at the mausoleum.

"No incidents?" His voice was sharp and his dark eyes were cold.

"No," Our guide replied, before looking behind us, "Remove their weapons before they enter the Mistress's home,"

All I could do was let out a tony squeak of terror as more vampires emerged from the darkness surrounding the house. Two came towards me as the others spread themselves between my equally frozen friends.

"Never felt power like this before?" One of them smiled, almost friendly, as me, "That's the Mistress. As soon as Jungkook reports to her that you are all unarmed and not dangerous, she will drop the terror,"

My eyes were rolling around wildly. Why was this creature being friendly to me as he plucked every single weapon I had from my body. Why was I unable to even talk back?

They all stepped away from us at almost the same time, our weapons in piles on the floor.

"Good. You may follow me now, humans," The new vampire said, "Our Mistress will release you,"

With a body wrenching gasp, I staggered forward, my lunch desperate for air. My comrades had similar reactions to mine but as we were trying to gather ourselves again, the vampire went in through the front door and waited just inside a dimly lit room, waiting for us to follow.

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