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The whole operation was now complete all they need to do is to pray if ochobot works again .

Dipper told boboiboy to give a lot of electric power through ochobot for it to work .

Boboiboy used his lightning elemental ,he gave it all the lightning power he got .
The wires sparked as the power sphere was electrocuted .

It was about to reach 98% but there was still a malfunction in his system core . The wires blew up because of too much pressure .

Ochobot's system went down , the whole operation was a fail.
Dipper checked it again and it seems to have some other problems .

"It looks like the whole system shut down because of the weak core , we need to somehow replace it. " Exclaimed dipper as he look at ochobot's data.

" But where are we supposed to find that " said boboiboy while he look disappointed .

"I need some time to think , perhaps we should just call it a day " said dipper as he glanced at boboiboy.
Boboiboy tried to refuse but his friends agreed at dipper.

"He's right , we should stop before your watch gets damage further" said Yaya .

"For now we need to figure out how to contact commander" said fang typing at his watch while mabel and dipper was confused.

"We'll explain it later" said ying as she pick up all the stuff they need .

Boboiboy felt sadness took over him , he missed ochobot but the power sphere couldn't even be fixed . He kept blaming himself about this. His friends to cheer him up but BoBoiBoy need some time alone.

He went back to the forest to think of ways to revive the power sphere . If he can only use his light element to fix the problem but his power watch was still not functioning right .

BoBoiBoy sighed in frustration , he was stressed out , there are so many problems he had to deal with .

Just then he was suddenly interrupted by a laugh that's creepy . He looked around and found no one but it's still echoing .

"Is someone there ? Show yourself! ' said boboiboy as he looked at the trees .

"You know your pretty smart kid " said the voice maniacally .

"What do you want? " Asked boboiboy that suddenly immerged the same one eyed  triangle demon he saw on that stone and the portal .

" You !! Your the demon who summoned that portal !! " Said boboiboy while glaring at the yellow triangle.

"Look kid , I have a name and that's Bill cypher " said bill as he glanced at the child.

"Yeah , I know dipper already told me about you and your an evil Demon "  boboiboy growled at bill .

"Oh did you actually believe that pines , he's just trying to manipulate you , I'm a demon who can grant you deepest desires kid " exclaimed bill as he crept closer to the boy .

Boboiboy walked a away fast not wanting to be near him .
Bill cypher got annoyed and started to trap Boboiboy on a seat .
BoBoiBoy tried to reach for his power watch but failed.

"Look kid I'm not gonna harm you , well not that I could " said bill as he let boboiboy be free from the chair.

"What do you want from me ? " Asked boboiboy not showing any weaknesses in front of the demon.

"I'm glad you asked well I'm here to make an agreement with you " said bill his eyes are grinning evilly.

Boboiboy scoffed " and why in the world will I trust you when dipper pacifically said not too " .

"And you actually trust him ....your so trusting to people based on their innocent eyes but you know what they say appearance can be deceiving " whispered bill .

" What do you know " boboiboy didn't believe anything on what the demon says.

"Oh I know , and I can certainly help you with reviving your little friend " exclaimed bill as he looked at boboiboy who has hopeful eyes .
" It's very easy , all I need from you is to steal a certain journal book from that pines kid "

"No way , that's not gonna happen " said BoBoiBoy refusing the offer .

" Seriously don't you wanna save your friend , I'm only asking a little favor kid "

" Why do you want that journal so badly "

Bill stretch his hand to boboiboy and the boy just stared at it for a few moments.

" Let's just say I want it for reasons , so do we have a deal? "

To be continued

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