Chapter- Twenty Six

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I slid my phone inside my pocket after making sure all the arrangements are complete there. My eyes couldn't help but impatiently glance upstairs, waiting for her. I sighed, taking a seat on the couch, my heart felt a different motion today. She's already changed so much in my thoughts, in my actions, in me. How she made me get rid of all those rules and words that I kept believing for all these years; till my eyes caught a glance of her enchantment.

A smile replaced the look on my face as I thought about that first day I saw her. Little feisty Blossom, ready to beat that guy to death. I would have said meeting her and all of that was a coincidence but what's happening to me today and what I'm doing today, it's not a coincidence.

I heart footsteps advance and Jacqueline walked down, closing her purse and hanging it on her shoulder.

“Your girl is all ready, Sir” she affirmed, a bright smile on her face like usual.

“Thank you... Where is she? ” I asked, impatiently waiting for her, looking back and then at her.
She chuckled at my excitement and replied,

“She'll be here in a moment. Just.. Little nervous, I can say” I nodded, smiling at the description of her. I want to see her small face, blushing with load of redness, like she does while squirming under me. Her petite body and long lustrous hairs, covering it; I can't wait.

“Sir.. ” Jacqueline voiced, snapping me out of my thoughts. “I was saying, I'll leave now. ”

“Oh..! Alright, thank you for your time, Jacqueline” I stood, thanking her as she nodded with a beam of smile, leaving.

Right next moment, I heard clicks of heels on the floor, slowly descending down the stairs with unruly and nervous steps. A smile acquired my lips as I stood still, facing the other side, hearing her slowly come closer till I could sense her prominent presence by her unique fragrance.


My heart kept thumping hard, making my palms sweaty in mixed feeling, that comprised of about thousands of them. I kept my eyes at him while walking close to him with shaky steps. It isn't for the first time I'm doing this, then why is this so difficult for me to behave normally?

I stood right behind him and he turned around to face me, his eyes tracing my whole body with no patience as if waited so long. Perfect like always, he looked like a perfect gentlemen in that matching gray shirt, just the one as colour of my dress. His shirt emphasized his toned body even from under it, giving such a balance to that sparkling lust in his eyes that danced on his lips too as a smirk.

He stepped close, looking right in my eyes while I was already lost in his, not being able to find my way back to reality, not wanting to, either. He trailed his fingers on my waist, holding me in place as he leaned down at my level to face me. I blushed, feeling eruptions, carnivals and cyclones in my stomach, at feeling of him with his dominant smell of Cologne he wore.

I lowered my head, hearing him let out a breathy laugh close to my ears.

“You know how irresistible you look? Just like a Seductive Angel” he whispered his words, blessing my ears with his voice that ran throughout my body.

“Thank you~” I managed a whisper, trying my best not to say anything stupid out of nervousness. I tried hiding that deep plunge of the dress with my arm as he was close enough to me. He always manages to be so calm and expressive meanwhile I am having a multi universe travel with my feelings, so anxious, happy, confused and what not.

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