Special Nezha Reborn spin-off

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[Get ready for a whole movie! This takes place during the training montage. Now, to avoid any confusion, we're gonna give her a name]

Li Yunxiang was eagerly driving through the busy city streets on his bike. He had a lot more deliveries to do today, which was bad for him since that'd mean he'd go train with the masked man later than usual and so will have to stay longer to compensate. He rolled his eyes at the idea, he liked the guy but he could get annoying at times. He picking up the speed, hoping he could finish on time. With the engine roaring and the size of the bike, you'd think he was hard to miss. Well as it turned out someone else was in a hurry today. Out of nowhere a young woman, a few years older than him, jumped off the sidewalk and started to rush across the street, if it wasn't for Li's quick reflexes, this day would've ended short for both of them. The brakes made a loud screech, making the girl yelp and stop right in front of him. He glared at her, first thing he noticed was her clearly died hair, he could see her black roots. She looked like she hasn't shower in days.
"Both ways lady! Watch it!" he exclaimed.
"Sorry!" she exclaimed with a quick bow.

Li clicked his tongue before riding away. She watched him go for a moment.
'That is a cool bike though.'
Just then, her eyes noticed the time on the big clock attached to a store front. She gasped.
'Nevermind! I'm gonna be late!'
With that thought, she kept running through the city, going through streets, alleys and other shortcuts only her and her friends knew about. She's done this parkour course everyday so it almost became second nature to her, though she didn't know that to an outside point of view, this would be impressive to watch. Finally, she reached the main street and ran to the water bank, just in time to see it close.
"No~!" she whined as she stopped beside the security guard, panting slightly.

"Hello Xiaodan." the man said as he closed the padlock to the gate.
"Come on man!" said girl exclaimed. "I'm only a few minutes late!"
"I'm sorry but, you know we're tight too at the water station. We can't afford special treatment." he said, though he didn't sound sorry.
"I almost got in an accident! Please?" she joined her hands with a pleading look on her face. "The kids are thirsty."
"I'm sure they can survive one more day." he walked away. "Let that be a lesson, stop getting distracted by machines, it's a waste of time for someone like you."
She sighed sadly, hanging her hand down. After a moment, she discreetly looked back to see if the man was gone. He was. She quickly crouched down to open her bag.
"Come on, come on." she hushed and gestured 'come closer' to her surroundings.
Children, adults and elderly came out of their hiding spots and surrounded her as she took out a hairpin and a little hook to pick open the padlock, some volunteers kept a lookout on both sides of the street.
"Alright~!" she wiggled her fingers with an excited smile.

She was about to get her tools from her bag, but a teenage boy handed them to her with a proud smile. He got the gist of what she needed for this after a while.
"Here ya go Xiao!"
"Aw thanks Yuu!" she took it and smiled.
He puffed his chest, his cheeks dusted with pink.
"Miss I appreciate what you're trying to do but..." an old man said, pointing at the meter. "There's barely any water left."
There was a moment where everybody looked at him.
"You were late weren't you?" she finally asked. "You do have money."

She just smiled and went back to the water distributer's pluming. Normally, you'd give water coins and the guard would open the valve with a key, but the people here were either too late or they didn't have money, but this won't be a problem with Xiao on the scene. Under five minutes, she got the machine running and after cheering for her, people started filling their buckets of water. They could serve more but they'd rather not risk it. She served herself last before quickly closing everything back up.
"I...I don't understand." the old man said in disbelief. "Why does it say there's no water when there clearly is?"
"Because they're greedy assholes!" Yuu exclaimed.
"Preach." Xiao said as she packed up her things. "Don't worry, you get used to the hypocrisy after a while."
"Is there...nothing we can do?"
She stood up with a slight smirk, rotating her wrench between her fingers.
"You could become a mechanic." she said before walking away, accompanied by a few other kids. ''Come on guys let's go home, and keep an eye open.''

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