33. nerf guns

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Chapter 33

Vincent Laurent

I woke up to the sun nearly blinding my eyes. I groan and turn over only to be face to face with a ugly gremlin. In other words, Oriya.

I regret making her shift into the room with me. I only did it because the brat was ignoring me and that got on my fucking nerves. I don't care when people don't talk to me. I actually prefer it that way.

But something about her ignoring made me want to rip my own hair out. It was only because I was working with her. Only that.

I closed the blinds so that brat could sleep without being blinded like I was. I slept pretty well. I bought ear plugs before I shifted her into my room so that I wouldn't have to suffer at night.

She kept rolling onto me in the middle of the night but I pushed her right off. I debated on shoving her off the bed but the idea was shut down when I realized I would have to deal with her scolding me.

Eventually, I just shoved a pillow in her arms.

It was also one of the first nights I had actually slept without waking up. The only other time I slept the whole night was at the motel, with the brat next to me.

Perhaps the witch did a spell on me or some shit. Who knows?

I walked to my washroom and freshened myself up. With all of Oriya's belongings stuffed into my washroom, I could barely tell where my shampoo and conditioner was so I just used hers. Not like she would run out anytime soon anyway.

I noticed how the Tic Tac Toe game Oriya and I played a while ago had slightly faded away. I had been redrawing it every time after I took a shower. I wasn't sure why I did it, but I did. Oriya noticed the space wasn't empty yesterday but I quickly got into bed and covered it.

As I did my hair, I purposely pulled out a single strand, solely because she would push it back. Another thing I did that I just didn't have a reason for. 

I texted Emilio, letting him know I was up and for him to meet me in my office. He was one of my good business partners. We often turned to each other when we needed a favour or any advice. Right now, he owed me a favour but I was saving it for when I really needed it.

Just as I sat down, he knocked on my door and sat in the chairs on the other side of the table. He propped his legs up on my desk, getting comfortable. I sighed and put my gun on the table as a warning. He understood and put them back down.

People irritate me so fucking much.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I came here for something else but I want to talk about another thing that's been on my mind." He said.

"Then talk."

"Oriya Deron-"

"No." I decline immediately.

I can feel myself getting mad. My fists start clenching and my jaw gets tight. I grit my teeth and take deep breaths to hold back my anger. Why the fuck do I even care?

Emilio and I had a pretty good alliance. I did not want to ruin that but the mother fucker was really testing me tight now. I don't even want to know what he was going to say about her. I just didn't want to hear it. Oriya was no business thing we discussed, and I'd never let her be one.

That doesn't mean I care about her. She was just one of my assets right now and I protect my assets.

"You didn't even hear me out." He said.

"I don't intend to either. If we talk about her, she'll be in the room." I shrug, knowing he won't want to talk about her in her presence.

"Never mind then." He mutters.

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