23. Forks Fixes All Problems

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Lizzie came down for Summer break anyway, Bella and Sammy insisted

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Lizzie came down for Summer break anyway, Bella and Sammy insisted. So Lizzie came down for her family, booking a small room in a hotel just outside of Forks. Dean wanted to come with but then decided against it at the last minute. Damon, who had been staying up in Alaska all week was coming down with her instead. Charlie wanted them to stay with him, but because Bucky was them and Lizzie knew he only had so many rooms, especially with Sammy still there, she politely declined.

Damon was bonding with Sam over some book they both read while Lizzie was enjoying Bella's company again. She missed her right up until Bella suggested confronting Jacob, then Lizzie wished she was back up in Alaska. She didn't want to see Jake or talk to him or even think about him. Ever again.

"Not gonna happen."

"I'm serious, Lizzie. It's not cool to just ditch us like he did. I'm his best friend and you're his girlfriend. I'm not going through this again."

"I was his girlfriend, Bella. He broke up with me, remember?"

But Bella just shook her head. "No, I refuse to let this happen." She sat up on her bed and ran a hand through her hair. The sudden movement caused Bucky to jump off the bed and search for somewhere else to lie down.

"You know I'm not allowed on the Rez, right? The whole being a vampire thing doesn't just blow over with them. It's a treaty of peace, that was established over a hundred years ago. They take that pretty seriously, Bells."

"That's no excuse. Nope." Bella stood up and put her shoes on and grabbed her jacket. "We're going... today."

"Oh God," Lizzie muttered following Bella out of her room. "Were you even listening to a word I said? Bella? Bella Swan?"

But Bella ignored her, snatching her keys off the table and grabbing Lizzie's wrist in her hand as she dragged the Cullen behind her. Damon came jogging down the stairs at the commotion.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked.

"To my death sentence apparently!" Lizzie called over her shoulder as they reached Bella's truck.

Damon shrugged. "Well, count me in. Somone's gotta haul your body back to your family when that happens," he joked.

"Very funny."

"I thought so."

Lizzie and Damon stayed in the truck. They were here on the Rez, on forbidden territory. Lizzie was just glad the truck still smelt like vampire from when Edward was in it. She figured as long as they stayed quiet enough and didn't move a muscle, she'd be safe. Lizzie imagined one day having to say screw the treaty and cross the border, but she imagined it would be for Jacob or Sam Uley, or maybe even the Clearwater's, but not for Bella freaking Swan.

"Why are we here?" Damon nonchalantly asked as he kicked his feet up on the dash and laid his head back on the headrest. "I mean, don't get me wrong it's pretty nostalgic. I haven't been to this place in decades, but you... you're not allowed here."

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