cute for a boy

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Age: 4

"I can!" I insist.

" Well I can't leave a hopeless boy just watching me can I," Sasuke smirks.

" Thank you, I will train hard," I promise with a confident smile.

We stand for a moment and he reaches for my hair.

" Pastel pink hmm, a nice color," he compliments.

" Thank you... It used to be long like my mother's, but they cut it " I looked away.

" it's good they cut it, it would be bad in battle and short hair is good for a boy" Sasuke stated.

" I guess," I mumbled.

" Well I guess we should start training," Sasuke responded as he grabs my hand and puts a heavy kunai in it.

The weight almost weighs me down but I grab ahold of it.

" Throw it," Sasuke starts.

"at the middle of that target," he continues pointing at a target.

I close my eyes and Throw it.

It surprisingly hits the target but not in the middle.

Sasuke sighs " you have to open your eyes to aim"

He picks up the kunai and places it back in my hand.

" Please open your eyes this time," Sasuke exasperated

" Ok," I reply.

I look at the target and I lock my focus on it, I then throw the kunai and it hits the middle of the target.

I look at Sasuke for approval and he closes his eyes and nods.

" Yes! I did it" I beamed.

" Yea, your not bad for a person that didn't know anything," Sasuke mused.

"Thank you," I smile.

" From now on I'll train you, come here every day at 6:00 in the morning to start," Sasuke offered.

"Thanks, Sasuke! your really nice,"

" I'm not nice any decent person would help a helpless boy," Sasuke stated.

I nod.

" You don't talk much huh," Sasuke noted.

" Well, I have nothing to say," I say.

Sasuke stares at me for a moment.

" Your very pretty for a boy, you don't look manly at all" Sasuke compliments.

" Uh, thank you," I thanked.

" Right..." He stood there for a little bit.

" It's getting dark you should go home," Sasuke said.

" Ok, bye... I'll see you tomorrow"

" Bye," Sasuke repeated.

I run out of the woods and make my way back home.

When I open the door I'm greeted by my dad.

" Hey sweety, what did you do outside today, did you have fun," my dad asks.

" Yes, I drew some kid while he was training, but I got caught," I mentioned.

" Oh really what's this kid's name, and are you guys, friends, now," dad smiles.

" His name is Sasuke, and yea he said that we can train together from now on," I smile back.

I then remember what he keeps referring me to.

" What's wrong, why do you look sad now," my dad asks.

" He said we can train together but only because I was weak for a boy," I look down.

" Ohh so he kept calling you a boy,"

" Yea,"

" Well this is just a way you can get stronger, I'm just glad you made a friend with... What's his name again" dad asks.

" His name is Sasuke," I explain.

Just then Sakura runs up to us

" Did you just say Sasuke?" she asks.

" Yea... He's my friend" I blink.

" Why would he be friends with you," she asks.

" Hey Sakura, don't be mean to Miya," dad defends me.

" I just don't get it Sasuke likes girls with long hair, and yours is short like a boy's hair," Sakura sneers.

" He thinks I'm a boy Sakura," I explain.

Sakura laughs.

" Oh, now I get it," Sakura smirks and she skips away.

I go up to my room and lay down today was tiring,

I'm NOT a boy (  sasuke x my oc) Where stories live. Discover now