|I{•------» [9] «------•}I|

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Team Seven, along with Tazuna, was currently walking through the forest on their way to the Land of Waves. Naruto was up ahead, with Tazuna and Sakura following behind, while Ruka walked at the back with Sasuke and Kakashi.

The brunette observed her surroundings, feeling excited. The greenery, colorful flowers, and birds flying around all radiated cheerfulness, giving her previously lifeless eyes a glint of liveliness. A warm change stirred inside her heart.

An uncontrollable smile spread across Ruka's face as butterflies flew around, catching her attention. One of them flew over to her, and she instantly stopped walking. She focused her gaze as the butterfly calmly perched on her nose. She restrained herself from blinking and stood still, not daring to move a muscle.

Beside her, she heard a chuckle, and she shifted her gaze to find Kakashi smiling at her. Her slight movement caused the butterfly to fly off and land on a tree branch, out of her reach.

Ruka glanced at Kakashi, who continued chuckling, irritating her, and she let out a huff of annoyance.

The only other sound breaking the comfortable silence that enveloped them was Ruka's content humming, which blended harmoniously with their surroundings. Her melodic sounds seemed more at home in the forest.

But Ruka's soothing humming lasted only a moment as her blue gaze shifted from the endless sky to a miraculous puddle that had appeared before her. Her gaze hardened as she looked back up at the cloudless sky, then purposely bumped into the Copy Cat Ninja. Kakashi stared at her in confusion as the two exchanged a brief, subtle look before returning to their positions behind the team, as if the exchange had never happened.

However, as they continued walking, the duo strolled past two stray chains launched out of the puddle. The chains wrapped around the Jonin, and two large, burly figures emerged from the puddle. The figures vanished as soon as they stood on either side of Kakashi, each holding a chain in their hands.

The rest of Team Seven leaped into fighting stances behind Ruka, who raised a dubious brow at the burly men beside Kakashi.

"One down," the assailants said as they tugged their chains, pulling Kakashi along.

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