Chapter 12 '{Daily Prophet}'

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Tom's POV

I was in the meeting room at the Riddle Mansion thinking how exactly I should get the Philosophers Stone, when suddenly a owl appeared with a letter tied to it's leg with a attachment, so I went to grab the letter, then the owl turned into a piece of parchment, I was stunned, thinking of who would go through transfiguring a owl and how they figured I was here, and who would send me a letter.

Sighing, I opened the letter and, it was something I never thought would happen to me unless I force them, the letter said:

Dear Voldemort

You don't need to know who I am, but you may call me Azrael, it means 'Angel of Death' though I would not be an angel if you cross me, but I am not writing to threaten you, I am here to... Let's say be allies, attached to this letter that should be a very special stone, which you should know what it is so, You may send your answer to Lucius tell him to give it to his son, I shall receive it from him.

Best Regards


I was left wondering who exactly is this Azrael and how they knew I needed the stone, sighing I shook my head, knowing I will know soon, I grabbed the attachment and saw that it was truly the stone I was thinking about before, I then grabbed a piece of parchment and started writing a letter, then calling Lucius through the mark, though I may have hexed him a couple of times before handing him the letter telling him that he should give it to his son and that it was to be given to the potential Allie who is named Azrael.

Amelia Bones POV

I came back home early today because I had enough of those dunderheads, they think just because they have a higher position means that they can slack on their jobs, it's frustrating how annoying they are, so I decided to drink some chamomile tea, it always helped me calm down.

I was reading a book when I heard some pecking by the window,I look over and see an owl which had a letter and a cage, thinking that it was probably from the ministry I cursed, I walk over to the window and opened it letting the owl come in and place the letter and cage down, I went to get an owl treat only to see that it turn into a piece of parchment, so I decided that I should read the letter that hopefully explains why there's a rat in a cage, thinking for the worse I opened the letter, only to read something shocking, it read:

Dear Ms. Bones

Here is a rat named Peter Pettigrew he is an illegal Animagus and framed Sirius Black of selling out the potters at Godrics Hollow, Sirius black also has never received a trial, so I hope that you could get him a trial, and please get in contact with Remus Lupin after the trial if he is declared innocent, so that they could get custody of one Harrison Potter.

Best Regards


I was simply shocked after I read the letter, only for it to increase after confirming that the rat was really peter pettigrew, which he was and I quickly apparated back to the ministry, to get Black a trial and try to get a lawyer to help with this, guess I should thank this 'Azrael' for this information, silently hoping that there are no innocents that are in Askaban.

Nobody realized that a certain beetle was following her.

Harry's POV

I had noticed that Draco has been looking nervous and had been looking around the halls since this morning while I was eating, 'probably because his father had given him the letter I was expecting, I would have to get it from him later.' I thought and was then interrupted by Blaise shoving the daily prophet in my face.

"Harry! Have you read the prophet yet? If you have not you need to see this!" He said shoving the paper in my face, I took it the paper out of my face, annoyed I looked to see what had gotten him like this, but but that feeling was flushed out the moment he read the paper, it said:


!?Sirius Black Innocent?!

By Rita Skeeter

That's right viewers Sirius Black is innocent, it was said that Mr Black was the one who ratted the Potters out to Voldemort, and leaving Harry Potter with no parents, but apparently it might not even be the truth, why you might ask? It is because he never received a trial, and that Peter Pettigrew was still alive, he had also framed Mr. Black, saying that Mr. Black was the one who had betrayed the potters, in reality he was the one who betrayed them, what a twist right? Hopefully I can get more information soon, that is all for today.

Rita Skeeter

I grinned at the paper, Rita had done well this time, but then I continued eating ignoring the looks I had received after people read the prophet, but then a piece of paper appeared Infront of me, It said:


Dear Harry

I would like to have a chat with you after your classes, concerning Mr. Black.

P.S. please bring cockroach clusters with you.


I sighed looking to Dumb-As-A-Door to see him looking at me, I then gave him a curt nod, and continued eating.

A.N. I decided not to be lazy today so I did another chapter :0, shocking, also this chapter has about 920? Words.

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Draco (2)

Tom (3)


Fred and George or separate (1)

Anyone with a good reason

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