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"Cut the generator, quick!" Noah then ran to the back of the fridge where he saw a movement just now. And there it was, a fresh body, just dumped there not too long ago by the look of the frost covering her. Then he saw the slight muscle spasm, and quickly carried the young woman outside.

"Give me your coat!" Noah took off his own jacket and bundled the woman inside and took Father Ben's outer coat then added to the bundle, but she was still too cold. "Shit, go find some first aid kit inside the hut, find the space blanket or something like that, fuck!" Noah quickly took off the jackets and the woman's wet clothes, then he pressed her naked body inside his warm embrace before rebundling her in the two coats. He noticed there was a deep gash on her waist, just below the ribcage and he was afraid that the worst had happened, but there was no sign of bleeding anywhere else, not that he had time to do a careful search on her body now.

Father Ben found a first aid kit and ran back toward the cellar, then he helped take off the shoes and bundled both of them in the space blanket to preserve the heat.

Alex entered the cellar just right when Father Ben finished bundling them into one big cocoon, and he dragged the two missing students with him. Both of them were shaking hard, their eyes wild, and Father Ben noticed that all of the fingers on their hands were broken. He looked at Alex, who shrugged nonchalantly.

"Found them already like this inside the Wendigo's nest, shit deep in rotten body parts. Thankfully they're still asleep despite the commotions these two made."

Well, that should probably end their illustrious career as surgeons, or anything that involved handling scalpels or delicate movement, like knitting, ha. Father Ben examined the broken fingers, and whoever did it was very thorough since there was not even one knuckle missed. That must have hurt like hell. But he was in no hurry to call an ambulance, letting them reflect on their sins first. Besides, he was pretty sure their parents would not want the news of their children becoming the next Jack the Ripper to be on the evening news.

"Noah, you should take care of the young woman first." Father Ben tried to convey the unspeakable message to Noah, who got it right away. No cops, no hospital.

"Judging by your tone, you don't want me to take her to university hospital. Or any hospital. Am I right?" Noah sneered at Father Ben's rather blatant instruction, but the latter did not answer, only sighed heavily. "Fine. Let's go home, Alex, we have to check if this woman lost anything important." 

"Just… they'll be sure to compensate for anything she asks, when she wakes up."

"Well, Ben, this is exactly what makes me not miss working with you guys." Noah stood up, still carrying the woman in his arms. "But, hey, tell them to send some huge compensation anyway, you know my account number."

Noah lived in a fifty foot fully furnished luxurious yacht at the marina, a gift from a very grateful Greek shipping heiress. She had a bad case of ghost infestation, sent by an ex boyfriend, and Noah easily took care of them with a very big payment, and a night with the heiress in the yacht as a bonus. She was wild and Noah was entertained, although he did not want a repeat performance, judging by the possessive nature of the said heiress. But right now, he was more concerned about the young woman's state of being. He took her there because it was the closest distance from the woods, instead of the Yuwen's International which was located downtown, although He Xuan surely had a horde of private doctors under his command, but time was of the essence here. Besides, he had a sufficient first aid kit for times like this, and there was Alex too.

"Alex, go and boil me a lot of hot water. We need to raise her temp fast." Alex nodded and he left to do what Noah told him to do. 

Meanwhile, Noah quickly shed all the woman's clothes off and checked for any suspicious incisions, thankfully she did not have any, sans the one Noah noticed under her ribcage. On closer inspection, it looked like an old scar anyway. He noticed that the color had already seeped back into her, when Alex was back with hot water and towel. He quickly wiped all the leftover frost away, and bundled her into his clothes and thick blanket, then proceeded to the kitchen to make some hot cocoa.

He went back to the bedroom to put the hot cocoa next to her and turned around to leave, when he suddenly felt the intense gaze on his back. He quickly turned around again, only to feel like something was somersaulting against his chest. He just noticed it, since the young woman closed her eyes all this time, but the beautiful color of her eyes took his breath away. 

It was the color of warm cognac, the same with her shoulder-length hair, and it did something to his inside, something that he never felt before, it's so strange, the feelings.

Then she spoke in a hoarse voice to Noah.

"Who are you? Where am I?"

Noah quickly came to her side and gave her the hot cocoa.

"Drink this first, you were just out of hypothermic shock, don't talk too much." She nodded and tried to sip the cocoa, but because she was shaking so much, Noah held the cup for her.

"Thank you."

Noah was quite surprised with the calmness of this young woman who woke up naked in a strange place with a strange man who gave her a drink. She was either too naive, or she was not someone who he thought she was.

"What was the last thing you remember?"

"Uhm, actually, I was about to ask you that question, since you seemed to know me." She looked straight at Noah. "I don't seem to remember anything except my own name. And judging from the condition you said I was in, did I do something that I shouldn't?"

Well, if getting caught by modern day Jack the Ripper and locked inside the freezer to be gutted later meant something, then yeah, she's in something way over her head.

"Excuse me for one moment." Noah reached the back of the woman's head and he felt a bump as big as a chicken egg there. "That explained it." 

She looked at him in a questioning look.

"The bump, the hopefully temporary amnesia, oh god, I should ask for double compensation for this." Noah sighed then he smiled at the woman. "Don't worry about it. I'm sure everything will be alright soon. So, can you tell me what's your name? I'm Noah." He offered his hand to her, who took it and smiled her megawatt smile with dimples on each side of her cheeks, making the strange feelings come back all over again inside Noah's gut.

"I'm Feng Yue. Nice to meet you, Noah."

Wei Wuxian was knee deep in the blood samples, and she forbade anyone to enter except Chen Yu and Liu Qingge. Chen Yu for his expertise in nanotechnology, and she asked Liu Qingge to devise a machine that could disarm the nanites quickly without detonating them. He quickly came up with the idea of EMP guns and bombs, they would disarm the nanites bombs inside the body, coupled with a signal jammer to cut the detonation signal from whoever sent them.

He was in the middle of comparing the samples from the puppets with the known samples from the Yuwen International's secret government project, and found out that they were almost identical. The ones from the Yuwen's International project were the baseline for all the modifications based on the species, but the end product that was sent to them was not activated, so the bombs were dormant. It was confusing, so Wei Wuxian called Lan Wangji and He Xuan to tell them about what she found.

"I'd like to see a list of everyone who has access to the nanotechnology program." Wei Wuxian told He Xuan, who nodded and gave her full access. She browsed the personnel files and asked for the five people who had access to the nanites. She browsed their history, their use of access cards, and cross referenced them with the entry log, and found one suspicious person.

She showed the person's name to He Xuan, and he was actually baffled by the choice since there was obviously the other one who looked more guilty, but Lan Wangji understood her intention right away, since he also monitored the security feed.

"Just call all five of them and also the Head of Security. We will conduct the interrogation now."

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