[Taekook] Anger Got The Best Of Me...

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I have anger issues

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I have anger issues...

You were there for me... Always calming me down when I get mad so I don't hurt anyone. You let yourself get hurt, I pushed you...

That day when we had a fight, I didn't know why I got so mad... You were just telling me to calm down but I got super mad because you were talking to this guy.

I didn't know that he's just your friend, I took it the wrong way... Which I shouldn't have.

I loved you too much... And I thought he would take you away from me, and anger took over me.

That day, all I saw was red, I didn't hear what you said... I didn't hear you yelling for me to stop. I didn't hear you tell me to let go of your hand because it was starting to hurt.

And then I said words I shouldn't have...

"You're a cheater! You just dated me because you pity me! Go back to that bitch of yours, I hate you! I don't need you! Just go away!"

That day, I lost you... I lost the love of my life... The person who can calm me down...

"Anger got the best of me... "


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