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'Like an amnesiac, or growing a sore tooth
I weary to talk as its too slow to free,
My mind of its heavy, roiling burden'


''Hudyan this is Adrian rush down to American hospital ,shahzaib  has been admitted.....''

My life turned black in the blink of an eye.my lungs are black as my heart tighten more with weight .i couldn't move from where I sat. Aside the ''zzzz'' sound  and blurry view that filled my brain and eyes, I was immune to all feelings.

Hudyan what did he say? Hudyan, hudyan.... Amaani kept calling my name but I was clouded in a world where everything coming in my way was hardship.with a pull of a shoulder I breathed in  and out thinking it was all a nightmare until reality hits me hard that my husband was admitted at the hospital and my tears fell off freely with all question mark pointing at my life to why all this is happening but I had no answers nor solution.

Lets head to the hospital ,Shahzaib has been admitted. I replied to a worried Amaani and we sprout out.

Kelvin get the car, drive to American hospital. I ordered the driver as we all settled in the car and in no bit we were at the hospital.

''Hello Adrian, what's the room number ? I questioned as he picked up the call.

VVIP 1. He replied and I ended the call .

Doctor can you please tell me what's  wrong with him? I questioned as we got  in the room with some of   his friends all seated worriedly which they immediately left to the sitting room except Adrain.

''He's suffering from a significant distress due to lack of sexual contacts , desire and sexual fantasies . The doctor who stood in front of me clasped in a blue  jeans with a white dotted black  T shirt and a lab coat atop drop the bomb and it felt like the world pursed in tense for a moment.

My head spin in confusion, my eyes sprout out with tears, my legs felt like the weight of the world was thrown all on  it, I carried a heavy weight on my shoulders as my breath hitched  slowly like my soul was about to go out of my body as the sound of the news hit me harder I realised we were both suffering with sexual fantasies , yet we stayed loyal  without a third wheel.

My legs carried all the weight to the lifeless body of my REY who lay flat with his  face  stricken with all shades of worries, his hand lay flat with the drip passing slowly into his veins, it broke my heart into pieces to have watched my love like that, all shades of happiness are lost, intimacy was never found, all we wished for was a happy marriage life, all we wanted was to have a good ending and a happily ever after, we planned our life like we were the best of creators who created themselves, we forgot to move on even with the challenges of all, we thought all we had was enough, we never thought of sickness, or going through a hard phase in life, we thought the road to a good marriage life  is  straight  with no bumps on  the road, we forgot to go with the flow of life, with what life has to offer.

And today  I have learned  that all we had was not enough , all the wealth and fame is not all that matters but with health comes wealth and  with problems comes solution.

With that I cleared my tears with a mindset of amending whatever was wrong right, indeed I must have missed some pieces of the past.

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