Chapter 14

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My head was pounding. Like, really badly. So the first thing I did was groan in pain.

"Miss Tygris, can you hear me?" A woman asked.

My eyes fluttered open, only to close again because of the bright light hurting them.

"Mhm," I said. "'s just bright."

"Oh thank Merlin," a male voice exclaimed.

"That's alright, dear. Take your time, but please, don't sit up," the woman instructed, ignoring the other voice.
And I didn't complain, because I was in way too much pain to use my body anyway.

I slowly opened my eyes again, and saw Madam Pomfrey standing over me. I was in the hospital wing, and at the end of my bed where Aleya, Lina, Valerie, Sirius and - to my great surprise - Regulus Black. Sirius didn't look too happy about that.

Aleya and Regulus were still in their Quidditch uniforms, so they must have come here directly after the match.

I'd gotten hit on the back of my head, I remembered. Again. Oh goodness. And the whole school had seen that, how embarrassing.

"How are you feeling?" Lina asked in a concerned voice.

"My head hurts like shit," mumbled, and Sirius cracked a smile.
"I see; it didn't do too much damage, you're still the same."

Whereas I weakly smiled, Madam Pomfrey glared at him.
"This is no time to joke around, young Mister! That boy cracked her skull! She would have died if your brother hadn't caught her!"

My jaw dropped. "What!?" My eyes flickered back and forth between the two Black brothers.
Regulus looked quite unfazed, and Sirius looked angry.

"Who did what? Someone cracked my skull??" I was confused beyond belief, and Regulus answered with a sigh.

"Avery, our Beater, was angry at you, because you basically made us lose by blocking my way to the Snitch. So after your Seeker ended the game, he went for a Bludger and - despite my warning - shot it to your head. You fell off of your broom, but since I've been close to the ground anyways, I managed to catch you." Regulus eyed me, his deep grey eyes almost identical to the one's of his brother. He sighed again and touched the bridge of his nose. "I'm really sorry for Avery's actions. He shouldn't have done that, it was absolutely unfair and irresponsible."

"Why can't he apologise himself, huh?" Sirius glared at Regulus. "Does Mister Death Eater feel too high and mighty to talk to a Halfblood? Let alone apologise, because they were just better than the sacred Pureblood?"

A shadow crossed Regulus' face and he was about to snap back, but Madam Pomfrey interrupted them harshly. "If you two are here to fight, I must ask you to leave. The patient needs silence and peace, and you're just disturbing! I have to mend a skull here!"

Sirius stood there, quiet and moody. Regulus looked guilty. "Sorry Madam Pomfrey, I didn't want to cause a scene." Then he looked at me again. "And again, on behalf of my team, I'm sorry for what happened. You're a great Beater. Get well soon."

With that, he turned to leave, but he stopped in his tracks when I called out. "Wait!"
Regulus lifted an eyebrow at me, and I gave him a thankful smile. "Thank you for saving my life."

He nodded slowly, his eyes wandering to meet Sirius'. "You're welcome."

With that, Regulus Black gracefully left the hospital wing, his green Quidditch robes flattering behind him.

Sirius looked at him until he was out of eyesight. His jaw was tensed, and I thought that he'd say something insulting, but he didn't. He just returned his gaze to me, smiling again. "I'm glad you're okay."

Love You In My Mind // Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now