the seventh text

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12:04 pm

good morning, sunshine!

it's noon.

okay, that's true. but: 'good morning, sunshine' is much more appealing than 'good afternoon, sunshine' is it not?

i suppose.

can i ask you something?


why are you upset genevieve?

it's gennie.

you can trust me, genevieve. i don't have many friends -no, i don't want a pity party, i'm just stating the facts.

just stating the facts.

i have no one to tell, not that i would otherwise.


and i'm not popular, so anything you say is in safe hands.

c'mon, you must have some friends, anon.

not everyone gets as much attention as you, genevieve. in reality, it happens. some people end up alone.

his words stung. but they were true.

hey, tomorrow why don't you sit with us at lunch?

yeah sure, as if your clique would allow that.

what do you mean?

kimberley -queen bee, kenneth -her loyal boyfriend, who makes no decisions for himself, beth -the party girl, mason -high school quarterback.

are you seriously going to label my friends?

good morning, sunshineWhere stories live. Discover now