27. A Waste Of Time

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I stared down at the blonde man and woman, both of them have been keeping their silence, which I can respect, but it's annoying none the less. I placed down the whip I was holding as it was dripping with blood, torture is torture and for better or worse there's a twisted part of myself that learned to enjoy doing it to those I don't know. Especially if it means getting what I want.

"It's a simple question really, just tell me why that pig send you to attack me." I looked at the girl.

Out of the two she would be the easier person to break. I managed to get a single "yes" out of her when I asked if the king had sent them. And now it'd be nice to finally learn why.

"Go to hell. " the man said and I kicked him in the face. He fell down and a tooth came out of his mouth.


"Only speak when spoken to, have some fucking manners."

"I'm not going to tell you why we attacked the ship." the woman said and I sighed.

How annoying. It's been three days and we've almost reached Shingashina, I'd like to get rid of them before I go there.

"Alright, maybe I can get you to talk another way." I placed my arms behind my back and turned around. "Mikasa, Nanaba, bring the girl up to the deck." I told the two as I exited the cell.

"Yes captain."

On the way up I stopped and took the boy from the room we had been keeping the two kids in. The girl is annoying beyond belief, but the boy is fine. Mostly scared.

"You disgusting devil pirate! Go die in-"

"Don't you have any new insults brat?" she stared at me. "You are getting annoying, stop screaming." I closed the door behind me with the boy under my arm.

"What?- where are you taking him? Falco! Falco! " she banged on the door.

What an annoying brat. I went up to the deck before the girls, naturally that woman would try to resist. The sun was high up in the sky and it was stupidly hot, still I didn't care, I put the boy down and everyone looked at me. (Y/N) was there too yet I paid no attention to her, after all she knows what I've been doing for these past few days and this is part of who I am so she better get used to it.

"Tell me brat," I placed down the kid. "The woman with the black hair that was next to the captain, what's her name? "

"P-pieck." he quietly said.

"Good." I patted his head and brought out my sword aiming it at the boy.

His eyes widen while I stared at him. I moved and he moved with me, his form shaking. What a poor boy. I could see (Y/N) staring at me with her eyes wide open in shock. You better remember what I told you brat, if you come to 'save' him I don't even know what I'll do.

"W-why are you-" his voice trembled.

"Get on the plank." I told him and he looked behind him where the plank was.

I took one step forward he took one step back. Eventually both of us were standing on it, him at the edge looking down scared and me right at the beginning where the plank connects to the ship. My sword still raised.

"Let me go!" I heard. "Let me-" she stopped talking and stared at me when she saw me. Her eyes widen when she saw who was in front of me. "What-Falco! Falco what are you doing here? " she yelled and tried to reach him but the girls pinned her down.

"Pieck, right? " she looked at me when she heard me. "Here's the deal, you tell me what I want to know and the brat lives. You don't and he'll be resting at the bottom of the ocean."

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