Chapter 28: The Final Destination

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That night, the night (Y/n) was rescued, it was eventful yet everyone rushed like a flock of ducks escaping from a rampaging child to get that night out of their minds. (Y/n) was rescued from the evil clutches of the League of Villains, the League nearly found out Shun was still alive and breathing as well thanks to a sudden confrontation with a key member: Nyah Renora. Shun's assailant from months before. Luckily Midoriya's quick thinking managed to get Shun out of harm's way before anyone could realize he still walked the earth. On the other hand,Touya Todoroki is now what you'd call deceased. Shoto Todoroki awakened as he took on his late brother's flames like a passed torch within his brother's final breath. To top it all off, their secret of working alongside a villain as well as harboring a former villain wasn't one to remain secret after then. The cats are out of the bag! The jig is up! There are many more pressing matters than secrets as of now.

Aizawa & All Might, although they were down to earth astonished that their students had enacted a rescue mission not to forget, fraternizing with a League of Villain spy for months on end, they had no other choice but to let matters rest for the time being. The League of Villains' plan to eliminate the entire Renora family is to be enacted in just a few days. With all this new information (Y/n), Shoto and Hide, although reluctantly, leaked about the League, Aizawa and All Might believed they needed to gather their secret team of Pros before moving forward any further. Get a good night's rest! All Might told his students. The battle has yet to begin...

With the cry of the mattress's springs, Midoriya was drawn from slumber with a flutter of his emerald eyes. Hide, he lied upon his back within the bed for he stared up at the ceiling with glossy eyes adorn with strained slumber. Midoriya rolled over onto his side just enough to glance at the digital clock that sat on the nightstand a mere foot away. Five in the morning... It was about three in the morning when everyone returned from the mission, yet someone was stirring. "How come you aren't sleeping?" Midoriya yawned.

"Shit..." Hide threw himself over. He wasted no time because he buried his face within the nearest pillow. Suffocation, that's what he's trying to do. Force himself to sleep, better to do so as to completely ignore the questions to come.

Now he's gonna hide from me? "Hide..." Midoriya sat up. His head flopped like a dead fish as sleep remained to hold a prominent effect upon his being. "You know I won't judge you for crying-"

"I don't cry okay!!!" His voice drowned out within the pillow's plush. "They outed me! I'm fucked! Them telling my fucking mentor that I used to be a villain! Gah!" He punched the mattress repeatedly. Till suddenly, Hide went still, his cries filled the air. "Why can't anyone understand that I want to forget who I used to be? I'm Hideyoshi Shinso... A Hero. Not Tundra the... The... Villain..."

"Tundra?" Midoriya muttered under his breath curiously. He could only assume it's his villain name. Too bad... It would've been a name only perfect for a hero of his caliber. "Why do you think Aizawa didn't do anything once he found out?" Hide lifted his head from the pillow and sighed at his partner's response. "He asked a few questions and sent us to bed right? If Aizawa was THAT upset about you, he probably wouldn't hesitate to turn you in or chastise us! He didn't do anything. Plus maybe it's like me?" The suggestion had Hide roll over with a slanted brow of confusion. "I knew you were a villain for a while, I just didn't care? I guess that's what I'd call it... You were too good of a person, you knew that everything you did was wrong and that you were actively making an effort to change for the better. Therefore, I don't hold it against you because you're everything but a villain."

"But..." He sighed. "They have no idea-"

"Shut up!" Midoriya snapped. Hide's eyes were large. "Did you not hear a single thing I said!? If Aizawa or All Might were truly upset would we really be sleeping right now?"

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