-Chapter Thirteen-

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Thin Walls - Larry Stylinson

Summary: Louis moves into a flat while he’s at university, his next-door neighbour, Harry, who he’s never seen is rather loud at night. Louis confronts him about said noise and the two start to chat through the rather thin wall between their bedrooms. Will they ever meet, and if they do… what could ensue for the both of them?

Pairing: Harry/Louis… side of Liam/Niall

Warnings: may contain a little bit of swearing and that’s all for now, I think.


Chapter Thirteen


When he woke up Louis could feel breath on his neck and he snuggled deeper into the warmth. He felt arms around him and the gentle rise and fall of the chest he was resting on. He opened his eyes and looked up at Harry who was still asleep.

Louis yawned and rubbed his eyes with his free hand as Molly jumped on the bed in front of him.

‘Don’t mess with me’ He whispered, but molly walked around Harry and snuggled by Harrys arms and Louis head purring happily. Louis sighed and closed his head as Harry shuffled slightly

‘Morning’ He mumbled quietly and Louis smiled at how deep Harrys voice sounded, almost gravely and Louis would be lying if he didn’t find it a little bit attractive.

‘Morning Haz’ He smiled into Harrys chest

‘not going to be late for lectures are we?’ He asked and Louis looked up at Harrys clock

‘Not quite a rush as the other day’ Louis smiled sitting up on the bed and stretching. Harry sat up too

‘You were warm’ Harry pouted

‘You were comfortable and for that I thank you’ Louis grinned

‘And how exactly are you going to thank me, I expect something for you using my body’ Harry smirked and Louis snorted

‘That sounds so wrong’ He shook his head and Harry looked smug

‘Yeah, but I mean it’ Harry said

‘Oh Thank you Harry oh noble King of cats, I thank you for allowing me to seek comfort on your fine specimen of a chest’ Louis hailed dramatically and flung himself down on Harry giving him a wet kiss on the cheek and a tight hug

‘That’ll do, but you missed’ Harry smiled his eyes shining as Louis let him go

‘Did I now?’ He asked and Harry nodded

‘And what exactly did I miss?’ Louis asked and Harry smirked pushing Louis over on to the bed and leaning over him

‘Because you kissed me here’ Harry said kissing Louis cheek that immediately burst into a wave of heat and he felt a blush creep up his neck ‘Instead of here’ Harry muttered placing his lips over Louis in a soft quick kiss before sitting up and crossing his arms ‘your thanks has now been noted’ Harry grinned

‘I feel used’ Louis smirked sitting up on the bed and trying to push down his embarrassment and urge to fan-girl, which he definitely never would do ever. And keep his face nearest to his natural colour as possible.

‘and so you should, you should also feel honore-‘ Harry was cut off as Louis pushed him off the bed and scuttled off the bed as Harry stood up with a loud fake gasp

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