Chapter Two

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Chapter Two: The Sorting~

Resting peacefully on a stool at the front of the room, was the Sorting Hat. He hummed meerily as Fikiss rambled on about how the Sorting Hat was not a toy and should never ever be played with. Potts rolled her eyes, taking the impression that the head of Hufflepuff was some kind of moron.

"First up," She then announced. Silence fell like a giant blanket over the Great Hall. "Emily Abenstein."

A rather short girl with a bob of light brown hair made her way to the stool. Professer Fikiss lifted up the hat and stuck it on top of her head. "Well, well, well." The hat rasped. "I know you're entire family, I do. You're father was a Slytherin, your mother a Ravenclaw. Oh! And you're brother, a real trouble-maker who ended up a Slytherian as well. I sorted all of them, ofcourse, and was quite suprised when I heard your parents had fallen in love. So different, they are. But you, my dear, are...differenter still. I have a feeling you'll excel in GRYFFINDOR!" The Gryffindor table went crazy, clapping wildly as Emily sat at their table.

"Next, Hannah Adams."

Hannah was a tall- very tall- girl with blonde hair that framed her face excellently. "Ms. Adams, how's your Granny? She's the only one of your family members who is magical, correct?" But the hat did not give her time to answer. "You take after her, I can tell. In that case, I'll go with.... RAVENCLAW!" The Ravenclaws, slightly more composed then the Gryffindors, only clapped politely.

A boy with brilliant blue eyes and scuffy, dirty-blonde, hair that fell a little bit past his forehead was next. His name was Liam Benton and Bela, along with all the other first-year girls, found him rather attractive.

"Liam, my boy, great to finally meet you. Both parents were talented Ravenclaws, they were. But I believe you to be a brave Gryffindor!" This time, everyone clapped wildly. Even the Slytherins were happy for Golden Boy Liam Benton's sorting. He smiled and happily joined the fellow Gryffindors.

"Bright, Rebecca!"

A girl with straight, mid-back length, jet-black hair approached the hat, a sour look on her face.

"Well hello, Ms. Bright." Said the hat slowly. Professer Fikiss placed it upon the girl's head. "Not to happy to be at our school are you? You don't want to be a witch? You'd rather be an utterly normal muggle?"

Rebecca didn't answer his questions. In fact, Rebecca Bright did not do anything. She just sat, a blank look on her face, on the stool. Like some kind of little zombie.

"Gonna keep quiet, eh? Think if you don't say nothing that I won't be able to peek into your thoughts and sort you? Then maybe you can pack your bags and leave? But you cannot leave, Ms. Bright, you're parents left you after you got accepted to Hogwarts. They left you alone in this terrible world. I mean, after all, who would want a freak in their family? No one!"

"THAT'S QUITE ENOUGH." Yelled Fikiss, the students (astounded at her volume) all let out small gasps.

"Fair enough." Grouched the hat. "Slytherin for you," All the Green and Silver dressed students clapped.

Bela stood quietly, as four boys and two other girls were sorted into their houses. Two of the boys ended up in Slytherin, the other two in Ravenclaw. Both girls were put in Hufflepuff. Then, finally, it was Jack's turn.

"Jack Flynn!" Fikiss shouted.

He looked over at Bela, obviously nervous, then gathered up his courage and proudly walked to the stool.

"Aw, Mr. Flynn, the last of the Flynn children. I've been waiting for you. Your older sister, Darcy Flynn, she's attending Hogwarts as a fifth year, is that right?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2013 ⏰

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