Part 36

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You're fucking late again problem child


*Izuku pov*

"Are you good", Shoto asked me, I just groaned, "I have to do the laundry for next week because I was late for the check in", Shoto smiled and climbed up to my bed. "I really like your relationship with your dad", I shuffled around to make room for him, "yeah, I have a great dad", Shoto layed next to me. "It's something I could only dream of, I mean my dad is like the No.1 worst dad ever", I laughed, "he's finally No.1 at something", Shoto laughed as well, a hearty laugh.

"What'd you ''learn'' today?", I asked my best friend, "that I need to obey Endewhore"He said while rolling his eyes, "maybe I can convince him to let you patrol with me tomorrow?", he sighed, "he's not gonna agree to that", I smiled, layed on my stomach and put an arm around him. "Then I'll patrol with you guys tomorrow.", Shoto hummed.

"Have you ever watched a movie?", Shoto asked me. "I used to watch them before I was 4 then I stopped cus I didn't really have the option but dad got me into them recently, when was the last time you watched a movie?", Shoto shrugged. "I'm gonna get my laptop and we're gonna watch movies for as long as it takes for you to fall asleep.", Shoto nodded and I got off the bed to get my laptop. "We can watch it on my bed if you want-", "no. We will watch movies on my bed and we will both suffer.", Shoto huffed and that's what we did, we started with the Italian Job, next was How to train your dragon- which Shoto loved after that Shoto started getting sleepy so we decided to call it a day.

*3 days later*

"We're going to Hosu city, get ready.", I hummed and got some emergency first aid stuff and somehow fit it into my belt then we left for Hosu, I was glad because I had a suspicious that Iida didn't pick Hosu for it's sites. 

"Why do you think we're going to Hosu?", Shoto asked me, "the hero killer's most active in Hosu, that's probably why we're going there.", Shoto hummed and put his elbow on my head like an arm rest. "Okay I get that I'm short but you don't have to rub it in...", I said and shoved his hand off my head. "Yeah, sorry", he said with a laugh. Shoto's phone started playing a really annoying sound, "call your dad", I looked at the time and sure enough it was 2pm, "did you set an alarm for-", "for you to call your dad? Yes I did.", I didn't know whether to feel grateful or disappointed in myself. 

I clicked on the button on my tracker and dad answered on his end, "you're on time for once", dad said rather sarcastically, "hi Aizawa sensei", Shoto said into my tracker. "Hi Shoto, watch this dumbass for me please", Shoto smiled, "sure sensei", I rolled my eyes, "yeah, okay dad. I've checked in. Goodbye", "bye brat", then the line got cut off. 

"What is that device around your wrist?", Endewhore asked. I lifted my arm and showed it to him, "I've got a talent of getting into trouble so UA gave me this to call my dad and let him know whether I was ever in need of help.", Endewhore grunted and looked away. Shoto looked at me and was probably gonna say something like, 'isn't that a tracker?', I shushed him though. "I don't need people to know that, it's advantageous in some scenarios if some features of it were hidden.", I whispered to him, he nodded and we just waited until we reached Hosu after that but when we did the city was chaotic. There were Nomu's causing havoc everywhere and from what I could see there were 3. 

"Jade, will you be fine on your own? The more ground we cover, the better", I noticed how he was using my vigilante name, I guess it was time to be serious. I nodded, "I'll be fine, there seems to be more damage on the west side so I'll take the east, I'll start on evacuation and then move towards you", he nodded and I looked to Shoto. "Don't do anything stupid.", I said to him, he smiled, "I should be saying that to you", I smiled and ran to the east where there were fires and screams but not as much as the west.

I found upturned cars and buildings on fire so I helped with those first, I patched up a few wounds and gashes for civilians who needed them. I was about to move towards the next part of town when I heard something from an alley. I approached the dark and narrow area and heard a voice that was all too familiar to me.

"I will avenge my brother!", the voice cried out and I almost face palmed. The sound of a blade being unsheathed echoed through the cramped space and moved as fast as I could. I went in feet first and struck Stain back. "Izuku no! This is my fight", Iida pleaded from where he was paralyzed on the ground. "Iida you're being pathetic right now and I'd rather you didn't distract while I'm taking care of your mess", I said and sent our location to the 1A group chat.

"Jade!", he exclaimed in distaste. "It's been a while Akaguro", I said with a bite. "My name is Stain. Now leave before I kill you too, Izuku Aizawa", he smirked, "you think I haven't seen the news!?", he took a step forward and I readied myself. "You've thrown your lot in with them now! I used to respect you but now? The only true hero is Allmigh-", 

*3rd pov*

A dagger was thrown and it nicked the blade clad killer's bandana, causing it to come undone. "Don't you dare finish that sentence", Izuku said with malice leaking from every word. "I've told you my story, and I know your's but your execution is wrong. You don't get to play God and you don't get to pick how "true" a hero is. Your judgment is biased and unjust. Do you know how careless Allmight is?", the young boy spat at the other. 

"The amount of money the government spend on collateral damage caused by him could set you up with a lavish life for three lives! He saves people but so do all the other heroes. Some may be part of it for the money and glory but the still fucking help and the one's that are corrupt should be dealt with, but not through your method. Not through death or by being put out of commission.", he finished.

It seems like Stain was done talking and charged at the boy who dodged effortlessly and pulled the fellow vigilante away from their prey. He saw his tracker blinking and answered the call from his father, probably because he was late for check in again, but before Aizawa could say a word Izuku pushed the SOS button and spoke out loud.

"You're a real pain in the ass Stain, hehe rhyme", Aizawa got the message and started recording the conversation, then alerted the Hosu authorities and UA, he ran out of the house and on the way to the train station, he booked a direct journey to Hosu, he knew he wouldn't make it in time but might as well start now.

Back with the vigilantes Izuku was fighting Stain without too much effort but Stain was getting nervous. "I'll kill you!"He lunged at Izuku but he grabbed the katana and broke it. "You tried that once, didn't fucking work so just quit now, I've grown this last year.", Stain growled, clearly peeved by the younger's confidence. 

"Shut up!", he said again, "dude the yelling is ticking me off, could you stop please?", Stain groaned and a flurry of knives were shot at Izuku who dodged most but one slightly grazed his cheek. "Shit.", he said under his breath and scrambled for the knife, wet with his blood but Stain had already made his move and got a hold on the knife. 

"Looking for this?"He turned back and saw his opponent licking a dagger. "fuck", he said as he felt his movement shut down and fell to the ground. Stain approached his limp figure and kicked him to the side. "I'll deal with you later", he smiled at him and walked to Iida. Native grimaced from where he was leaning against the wall. 

Izuku screamed as he willed his body to move but try as he might, it wouldn't until the effects of the quirk wore off, the greenette thought all hope was lost until flames forced the hero killer back.

"Be more specific next time Izuku, It made me late"

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