chapter 2

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Desdemona doesn't stop running until she makes it into the town. She tripped over her long dress and a spark of pain shoots through her ankle. She limps into one of the market stores to look for different clothes. She finds a pair of brown pants and a loose white button up when she realizes she doesn't have any money. She looks around to see if anyone is watching and sprints out as fast as she can.

She hears heavy footfalls behind her and she knows that the store owners are chasing after her. Desdemona dodges down an alleyway and into an old bar. With all the adrenaline disappearing from her body, she feels that the pain in her ankle has worsened. Desdemona hobbles over to the bathroom, dodging drunken people on her way.

"Jesus Christ, It's two in the afternoon." She mumbles to herself.

When she gets in the bathroom she changes her clothes and looks at her ankle. It's red and irritated, some of it starting to turn purple. Desdemona gets the clothes on and puts her boots back on. She looks in the mirror and accesses the damage her mother had done. There's an ugly slash on her forehead and a bruise on her cheekbone. There's blood matted in her black hair from the first strike her mother had landed on her. She walks out of the bathroom and into what she assumes is the bar's storage room and lays down behind a barrel. She realizes how tired she is and slowly falls asleep.

She startles awake when she hears a loud noise like something being dropped.

"Shit!" She hears a deep voice shout.

Desdemona gets up from behind the barrel, the man easily spotting her.

"What are you doing here?" The man questions taking a step towards her. He has black hair and although he's not very tall he makes up for it with muscles. He's ragged looking in an attractive way. He has a soft face with round cheeks and kind eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Desdemona mimics his question taking a step like he had.

"I asked you first." He replies stubbornly, taking another step.

"I was taking a nap." She replies truthfully with another step.

"I was stealing." Step.

"Stealing's illegal." Step.

"I'm aware." He replies cockily, and takes another step.

"So you're a criminal." She states while taking another step.

"I'm worse darling." He replies with a smirk.

Desdemona accesses him once again now that they are right in front of each other. His clothes are tattered and he has gun powder on himself and his clothes. There is a sword in his belt so she takes a guess.

"A pirate?" She guesses.

The man's eyes widen a little and that's all the answer she needs.

"Piracy is also illegal." She says smartly.

The man panics for a moment, then he grabs a pan off one of the crates and hits her over the head with it.


"Oh, shit! I knocked her out." Jongho hopes that he didn't hurt the girl. He liked her smart attitude and she was very beautiful. But he didn't know how to handle her figuring out that he's a pirate.

She had long black curly hair and green eyes. Freckles kissed her cheeks and she had long thick eyelashes. There's a slash on her forehead and a bruise on her cheek. Jongho couldn't help but wonder how she got them.

Jongho decided he couldn't just leave her there, so he threw her over his shoulder, got the rum he was stealing and headed back to the ship.

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