heading home + devi meets his siblings!

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*After a few day hospital day, Kamala, Doug and Devi head home! Kerstin, Cole, Greenley, Ella and Sam are in town visiting!*

August 10th, 2021

After being in the hospital for two days, Kamala and Devi are being discharged from the hospital and the family of three is heading home to the Naval Observatory!

Doug's ex-wife Kerstin, children Cole and Ella, Cole's girlfriend Greenley and Ella's boyfriend Sam flew from California to DC and they going to be staying with Doug, Kamala and Devi for a few days to visit and meet Devi!

Kamala and Doug have both been really enjoying the peace and quiet from the press, from work and from their busy schedules. Kamala and Doug are also enjoying this time with their baby boy Devi.

Devi is a really sweet and calm baby. Devi rarely cries, only crying when he is really hungry.

Devi passed all of his newborn tests that hospitals do and he has gained a few ounces, not loosing any weight like most newborns do!

Right now, Kamala is taking a relaxing and warm shower before getting dressed to leave the hospital while Doug is managing to eat a sandwich and also feed Devi his bottle.

Doug has been doing nights with Devi so Kamala can sleep and get much needed rest. Doug doesn't want Kamala to do much until she heals from the delivery.

Kamala really appreciates that her husband wants her to rest and not do much but Kamala hates to sit around and not doing anything. Plus, Kamala feels great for just having a baby two days ago and she isn't in much pain.

"Mmm, is Mama's milk good? Is it yummy? Mmm! You are a hungry boy!" Doug says in soft voice as Devi happily drinks his bottle.

Kamala's breastmilk came in yesterday and she has been learning how to breastfeed Devi as well as pump breast milk.

Kamala will most likely pump breastmilk for Doug or someone else to feed Devi due to her busy work schedule as Vice President. Devi will also get formula if needed!

Doug manages to finish his lunch while finishing feeding Devi! 

"Good boy, Devi! You ate it all! Good boy! Let's get a nice burp now." Doug says softly as he carefully places Devi on his shoulder and he begins to burp him.

After a few seconds, Devi gives a few small burps, causing Doug to giggle.

"Good boy, Devi! Let's gets you all dressed before Mama is all done!" Doug says as he lays Devi on Kamala's hospital bed.

Doug begins to take off Devi's clothes he had on yesterday which was a plain teal onesie with matching pants and hat.

"We are going home today, buddy! Yay! You are going to meet your big sister, Ella and big brother Cole! You are going to meet your Aunt Keke, Ella's boyfriend Sam and Cole's girlfriend Greenley! All of them love you so so so much!" Doug says in a babyfied voice as he gets Devi dressed and ready to head home!

Devi coos as he moves his arms and legs around, causing Doug to smile. Doug is absolutely loving every moment of being a third time dad and he loves parenthood with Kamala.

Doug finishes getting Devi dressed and ready for the day and Devi does a big yawn, clearly tired from getting dressed.

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