104. Would Rather He Wasn't a Good Kid

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When YiHan arrived home from his trip out to the Yan family manor, he immediately went up to his room to change. Soon, Ma knocked on his door and entered.

"HanHan, Aunt Yang prepared some fruit dessert soup. Come down and have some?" Ma asked.

"Okay," YiHan answered as he turned and followed his mother downstairs. Just as he took a sip, he heard a notification sound off from his phone. He took a glance and saw that it's a voice message from JingYuan. JingYuan's profile picture on the app made him chuckle no matter how many times he'd look at it. Ma nonchalantly peaked at YiHan's screen then she looked at her youngest son's face. Deep down, she let out a heavy sigh. She didn't realise it before but ever since Yan and XueQing mentioned the possibility of YiHan being in love with JingYuan, she'd been keeping a close eye on every move and expression YiHan made. As expected, there were just so many signs like the reluctance from this morning's parting and this grin that he couldn't even hide properly.

Ma raised a hand and patted her little son on the head. "Slow down," she gently said. "What's with the rush? It's just dessert."

YiHan was wolfing down the soup so he could get back to his room and listen to JingYuan's message. At Ma's comment, he looked up, smiled and scooped more soup into his mouth. Aunt Yang was ecstatic to see the Little Master loving her soup. She happily poured another ladleful of soup into his bowl.

"There's plenty left," said Aunt Yang. "If you like it, then have some more."

Shocked at having more soup to get through now, YiHan choked. He coughed and coughed and frightened Ma and Aunt Yang so much that they hurried over to smack his back and help the soup go down. In their panic, someone's hand accidentally tapped on the notification on the phone and JingYuan's voice soothing voice rang through the room.

"HanHan, what are you doing?" JingYuan's message asked. "Are you home yet? What did you have for lunch?"

Finally, YiHan had stopped choking. He'd also let out a sigh of relief. Thank goodness JingYuan didn't say anything over the line. Still, the concerned mother tone JingYuan used really didn't fit the man's image. The image of JingYuan, all proper in his suit and in the office, saying something so demure househusband made YiHan chuckle once more.

He picked up his phone and spoke into it, "I just got home. I'm having some fruit dessert soup with Ma right now. What are you doing?"

JingYuan soon replied, "I'm working. I'm so envious. Have my portion for me? Once you're done, remember to exercise a little. Then, you can go sleep."

"Sleep right after eating? Do you think you're raising a pig?" YiHan laughed.

The reply YiHan got was a low chuckle from JingYuan's deep voice. "Of course not," JingYuan said in the next message. "Who could bear to eat a piggy that looked like you?"

YiHan giggled. He left the room, bopping his head at Ma and Aunt Yang to announce his departure, and walked up the stairs back to his room. During the entire journey, he happily exchanged voice messages with JingYuan.

"Little Master sure is close to Mr Mu. I've never seen him ever talk this much with the Young Master," Aunt Yang commented.

Ma: You've struck gold. They're certainly very "close". They're so close they might as well be family.

She watched her giddy little son skip upstairs. If HanHan got better but JingYuan truly fell for him, they could just get together then. How nice would it be? Still, the thought made her feel so guilty.

The possible reaction her youngest son will have when he eventually finds out the perfect future he'd found was just a lie...it made her heart ache.

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