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"M/n-"Albedo calls out gently to the redhead walking slightly behind him

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"M/n-"Albedo calls out gently to the redhead walking slightly behind him.
"Are you sure it was a good idea to follow me to dragon spine without alerting the others? Who knows if that man- I mean, Venti will remember to tell the others?"

"He'll have no choice but to remember when Nuri askes him to sing for her. Gosh the looks on everyone's face when we walked into the Knights Headquarters with Ven-Ven holding Nuri, you all nearly freaked out. Thanks to Zhongli and Escal speaking up things would have gone south real quick."M/n chuckles lightly but bumps into Albedo's back.
"Here, let me tightened your scarf a bit. You need to stay as warm as possible until we reach my lab."Albedo fixes M/n's scarf as mentioned, his eyes roam across the other cheeks; which were flush from the cold air of the mountain.

Albedo chuckles as he placed his hands onto M/n's cheek.
"Oh, your hands a very soft for a Geo user."


"Uh, Zhongli's hands are rather rough and callous. It's not that you lack callouses, they're not as prominent."This wasn't what the Alchemist thought was going to happen, he didn't expect this answer and yet it peeved him to hear M/n speak of Zhongli.
"Come now, let's hurry a bit. The weather can get unpredictable."

"Lead the way Chalk prince!"

"I must talk with Kaeya and Venti when we return to Mondstadt..."M/n holds in his laughter when catching sight of Albedo's redden ears. Off in the distance, a woman watched the two walk the path once again.

Hm, so this is the king everyone is all over? He's cute and cheerful, that about it for me.."She smirks as the storm picks, of course, it was her doing but it was lovely to watch.
"Let's see if I can separate the two and once that's done I'll take his Gnosis."The storm rages and Albedo found it hard to see the path and amidst all his confusion, he was deadly worried about the male behind him.

There wasn't any other place but his lab to take proper shelter but it was also too dangerous to brave the snowstorm.
Why did the weather take such a dangerous turn all of a sudden? This could only mean someone is tampering with the already deadly weather here.
Albedo whips his head around but to no avail, the snow was too thick to see through. And just when he thought things couldn't get any better, a strong gust of wind and snow knock him off to the side; ripping his hand from M/n's and knocking him down the side and nearly off the cliff. As this happens someone grabs M/n and vanished from the surrounding area.
"M/n?!"Albedo yells as he pulls himself over to stable ground but was met with a space; the storm is gone as if it never happened.

With M/n, he was thrown to the cold icy ground, his body shook from the lack of warmth as the snowstorm rages around him and the mysterious woman.
"Hello, your majesty. I thought it would be nice to chat alone. I knew you wouldn't want to and would resist, so to stop you from attempting to fight back, I forcibly lowered your body temperature via the snowstorm and took you when you began to shake. You're too cold to move."

"Wh-What do you wa-want?"

"Isn't obvious? I want your Gnosis. Apparently, you can't send a man to do a woman's job! Scaramouche is a fool and so is Tartaglia, now that the Duke is a child, The Tsaritsa has lost control of the only duke-dom, and the Fatui unit was disbanded and the territory is back into its neutral state..."As La Signora rants about the situation M/n attempts to move his body but it was too painful to do so.
I've never been this cold in my life... Everything hurts and I can't stop shivering. I can't believe I left Andrius behind today but I didn't know this would happen.
"Anyway, I'm going to take your Gnosis-"La Signora boldly claims while reaching into M/n's chest but when she went to close her hand around the object, there was nothing to grab.
"Where is it..."

"As if I'd hold so-something so important on me at all ti-times!"She removes her hand from M/n and in a blind rage she slaps M/n across the cheek; sending his freezing body onto his side and down into the snow.
"Hahaha! D-Didn't expect for me to-to know?
Ven t-told me about Wh-What happen a while back..."

"Tsk, then you'll freeze."When La Signora leaves she takes the storm with her. The redhead sighs heavily as his body continues to shake, he could feel himself slipping into darkness but as he closed his eyes he could see some rushing towards him; it was Albedo!
"Your majesty! Don't fall asleep, just hand on a bit longer!"

"It's dark..."

"You'll be okay, I promise. Just don't fall asleep."As the Alchemist spoke, his voice started to fade in M/n's ears, he couldn't focus and all he could hear was Helios screaming for him to hold on... However, M/n's blurry eyes were too tired to stay open. Albedo moved as fast as he could to move M/n's body from the ground to his back and struck out running up the path, lucky enough La Signora plop's herself and M/n near the lab with knowing.
Just a few more minutes M/n! I'm begging that you hang on for a few more minutes!

Just a few more minutes M/n! I'm begging that you hang on for a few more minutes!

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